Chapter 11

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Arthur's POV

A thunk echoed in the corridor as the last knight slammed the door shut. We marched towards the command room. The fort was huge. Anyone could have gotten lost in it, but not us. This fort had witnessed the making of every knight in our troop. It witnessed every plan we concocted and every treachery we nipped in the bud.

My king, myself, and our trusted men marched in silence until we reached a heavy metal door. The king passed his keycard over the lock. It clicked, and we got inside. My chest vibrated due to the growls I was suppressing. My wolf had never been at odds with me, but today it was. I didn’t see a reason for it. I would honor my engagements and keep my mate safe.

I rolled my shoulders to ease some of the tension to no avail. Blenda’s muddy face and feet caused a growl to escape my lips. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled. Opening my eyes, I went straight to the coffee machine at the corner and poured a cup—Dark and bitter like my woman.

I brought it to my mouth. The steam tickled my face like Blenda's breath when she asked me what was wrong.

Everything is wrong, Blenda.

I gulped the hot liquid. A burning trail descended into my stomach, fueling my rage. The king nudged my shoulder, almost spilling my cup. I growled, and the corner of his mouth quirked up. He took a cup and filled it with the black liquid, then, as usual, ruined it by adding sugar and cream. I casted a disapproving look at him.

“You’re oozing nervousness. You’re putting everyone on edge,” he said.

“I know, sorry. I’m bad at controlling my emotions.” I said, burying my face in my cup.

I’m an emotional person. I accepted that a long time ago.

“Tell me about it.” He chuckled. “I saw you ripping heads in the Red River pack. People are still talking about it till this day.”

“Yes.” I shrugged. “That was personal.” I took a sip from my cup.

I wiped the Red River pack to the ground. Do I regret it? Not a second. Do I regret locking Blenda away from danger. Not at all. But, man, was it hard.

“She looked at me as if I betrayed her. I just want her to be safe.”

“You did the right thing.” He swirled the hot liquid in his cup. “This is going to be messy. We don’t want you distracted.” He patted my back. “Come on.”

I gulped what remained in my cup and followed him towards the table in the middle of the room. The men shuffled to the side leaving space for us. The king leaned with his fists on the table.

“What’s the situation in the sea?”

“The submarine resurfaced, but it’s far in the ocean,” said one of the knights. “Our men just detected two helicopters taking men from it.”

“Hostages? Our participants?”

“No, my king, commandos,” Ethan said, his voice muffled by the turtle neck he was wearing. He was the second in command after our general who left for the mission in the sea.

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