The girls' new dorm part 2

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A/N thoughts=italic

Yuna POV

When I woke up the next morning and tried to move, I couldn't. When I tried to move my arms and legs it felt like there was extra weight on them. When I opened my eyes and saw why I couldn't move, I thought I couldn't see properly. Jiu and the others were actually lying in my bed and mostly lying on top of me or holding my arms and legs. I groaned and gave up trying to free myself from their grips. I don't know how long I was trapped like this, but after a while I heard my apartment door open. Now the only question was who came in and whether they would help me. When the person finally entered my room, I knew that I could not expect any help from them. "Unnie I didn't know you were such a womanizer." I heard the devil's voice say. "Eunji this is not funny, please help me." I said now and saw Eunji laugh.

The girls really sleep like stones when they don't even notice Eunji standing in the room and laughing her ass off. "You can be glad that I can't throw anything at you right now." I said now and glared at Eunji. Then another person entered my room and gave Eunji a head nut. "Go to the living room and wait there. I will help Jagiya in the meantime." Jiwon said now when she went to my bed. Eunji rubbed her aching head and then went back to the living room. "Thank you for your help, Jiwon. If it had gone to Eunji, she would stay here for a few hours and keep laughing." it came from me and saw Jiwon going to Jiu. "Jiu Unnie, please wake up. Yuna Unnie has some problems getting up." Jiwon said now and I saw her shake Jiu on the shoulder.

Jiu woke up some time later and when she saw Jiwon, she slowly straightened up. Then her eyes fell on me and I saw that she was a little embarrassed. The way it looked like, she hadn't expected me to wake up before they did. "I'm really embarrassed right now. Sua, Yoohyeon and the rest of you wake up." Jiu said now and saw her nudge Sua and Yoohyeon to wake them up.


I sat on the couch in the living room and waited for the others to finally appear. "Hyoyeon your Umma is a total womanizer. And I have the feeling that you have to fight for her attention. Now that 7 other people live here who want the attention of your Umma. But don't worry from me your aunt, you always have the whole attention you need. " I said now and stroked Hyoyeon over the head. Hyoyeon was sitting next to me on the couch, looking in the direction of Unnie's room. Where a lot of noise seemed to be coming from. "Finally." I mean now when I saw how they all came out of Unnie's room. Unnie, who was the last to come out of her room, was still looking at me angrily. "Eunji why do I have the feeling that all this crap here is, because of you." Unnie said now and I just looked at her. Unnie wasn't that wrong, but Jiu and the others were looking for an apartment here and I knew Unnie had plenty of space. I thought now and realized too late that Unnie had grabbed my collar.

"Shit Unnie let me go." I said now and tried to free myself from her grip. Only now did I notice that Unnie raised an eyebrow and then I understand what I had actually said. "Unnie that wasn't what I meant, I didn't mean to insult you. That was a mistake, you have to believe me." I said now and tried to talk myself out of this situation. Now it looked like Unnie would let go of me, but only, to put me into a headlock. "Yaah Unnie let me go." it came from me now, but Unnie didn't think about it. "Who taught you to talk to your sister like that? Show a little respect towards me or you can go right now." Unnie said now and I stopped trying to free myself. I looked at the others for help, but none of them wanted to help me. Not even my own girlfriend wanted to help me. "I'm sorry Unnie." I said now and then Unnie finally let go of me.

Unnie now sat on the couch and I sat next to her. "Will someone explain to me what's going on here?" Unnie asked now and then looked at me. "Yuna Unnie we asked Ceo-nim if we could have a new dormitory near you. But he told us that there were no more apartments available in the building and then we asked Mia for help." Jiu Unnie said now and I saw Unnie just nodded. "I told them that there was enough space in your apartment. Even Eomma and Appa said that the apartment was too big for you alone. Even if they bought the apartment for you. You have enough unused rooms here and your boss agreed that sunbaenims move in here. " I said now and then saw that Unnie was not very enthusiastic about the situation.

Third Person POV

"You should have discussed this with me beforehand. What if I was with someone and want to invite the person here and can't because I no longer have my apartment for myself." Yuna said now and then E:U pulled her ear. "Really Jagiya? This is your only problem that you can't bring anyone into your apartment. Eunji and I know that you haven't been out for 3 years and there is very little chance of meeting someone if you just sit in your apartment ." E:U said and then let go of Yuna's ear again. "Ouch, I know you're right, but did you have to pull my ear?" Yuna said now and then pouted. The others had to laugh when they saw how Yuna was behaving. After everyone calmed down a bit, they all looked at Yuna. "Yuna Unnie are you angry with us now that we live here without telling you?" Gahyeon asked now. Yuna looked at Gahyeon now and then shook her head. "I'm not angry with you. I know myself that my apartment is too big for me alone. I think you already have all your things here?" the older one said now.

"We brought our things into the three empty rooms. Yuna Unnie, there was a door that was locked. What is in the room?" Siyeon said now. Yuna knew immediately from which room she was talking and sighed. "Behind the door is my art studio. I have stored most of my pictures that I painted during my studies. And there is another picture in the room that I cannot dispose of." it came from Yuna and she got up now. When Yuna left the living room they all followed her because they wanted to know where she was going. Yuna stopped in front of the said door, she went to the chest of drawers that stood next to the door. She opened a drawer and took out the key for the room. The older one opened the door and entered the room for the first time in 3 years. The others followed her and then saw all the pictures in the room. Most of them were pictures of landscapes or pictures of random things. At the back was a picture that was covered.

"Unnie what is that picture?" Handong asked, who was now pointing at the covered picture. "This is the picture I can't throw away. I spent 3 months on this picture at the time. It should be a gift for Hyuna." Yuna said now and then pulled the blanket from the picture. It was a portrait of Hyuna. Mia didn't like her sister's sad look when she looked at the portrait. "Yaah Eunji, put the pencil away." Yuna called now when she saw what her sister was doing. Mia had taken one of the pencils lying around and then embellished her sister's picture. "That's how the picture looks so much better." Mia said now and had to grin. She had now painted a mustache, as well as devil horns and a black eye on the picture. After the other saw Mia's artwork, they started laughing too. Yuna now pulled her dongsaeng into her arms and held her. "Thank you." Yuna mumbled now and Mia grinned even wider. Mia put her arms around Yuna and hugged her. The others who saw this pulled the sisters into a group hug.

to be continued......

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