Chapter 1

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Yeonhee was sitting in her class waiting for her history teacher like everyone else.

"Ms. Lee takes a lot of time today to get to class."

"Has something happened?"

"Or is she just sick and is not there because of it."

Yeonhee heard her classmates say. She wondered where Ms. Lee was. She was always there on time and if it wasn't, she always let Yeonhee know. Since she was the class president. 20 minutes later the classroom door opened and Ms. Lee came in accompanied by a girl. "Excuse me for being so late. I had to speak to the director, it was about our new student. She is an exchange student from abroad. She comes from Japan. Would you please introduce yourself? "Said Ms. Lee to her. Ms. Lee looked at the new student, she knew that it would take her a little longer to understand what she had told her. As the director told her, she is stil learning the language, but she mostly speaks in her mother tongue. "Kon'nichiwa, takahashi juridesu. Nice to meet you. I'm still learning Korean. I'm sorry if I make mistakes. "It came from Juri, she really tried not to make a mistake in the pronunciation.

Ms. Lee now looked around the class and the only free space was next to Yeonhee. "Yeonhee, can I count on you to take Juri around. And help her with her Korean. Juri, if you have any questions, you can ask Yeonhee." said Ms. Lee and Juri nodded her head and then sat next to Yeonhee. After Juri sat down, Ms. Lee started her class. Yeonhee helped her with some words she didn't know or understood correctly. When the class was over, Ms. Lee Yeonhee called again. "Yeonhee can I talk to you for a minute?" Ms. Lee asked her now. "What would you like to discuss with me, Ms. Lee?" Yeonhee asks when she stands in front of her desk. "I want you to take good care of Juri. Since there is still room in your dorm room, I want you to take Juri with you and show her her new room." said Ms. Lee now. Yeonhee nodded when she heard Ms. Lee say to her. "You can rely on me. I'll take good care of her. Juri will follow me, I'll show you your new room." it came from Yeonhee.

Juri nodded and followed Yeonhee out of the classroom. As the two of them went to the dorm, Yeonhee explained Juri everything she needed to know. When the two reached the dorm and the room a little later, Yeonhee helped Juri unpack and store her things. When the two had put everything away, they sat on their respective beds. "Juri, if you need help with homework, just ask." Yeonhee said to her. Juri just nodded her head, she didn't speak very much, as all of this was quite new for her. It was some time before Juri looked up from her homework. "Yonhee could you help me?" she asked, mispronouncing Yeonhee's name. Yeonhee looked up when she heard Juri's question. "What do you need help with?" she asked now. Juri explained her problem and Yeonhee sat next to her. Yeonhee slowly explained everything to her. "Thanks Yonhee." it came from Juri after the two were done with their homework. "No problem, I always like to help. I would like to correct you with something. My name is pronounced Yeon Hee and not Yon Hee." she said and Juri rubbed her neck embarrassed. "Sorry." Juri murmured and Yeonhee smiled at her.

Half a year passed and Juri had settled in very well. She didn't make so many mistakes in her pronunciation and she and Yeonhee got closer. The two had become best friends. Most of their classmates were jealous of their friendship. They were inseparable like twins, because you always saw the two together. Both were sitting in a cafe near their school campus. They were waiting for their order and Yeonhee seemed to be more nervous than usual, because Juri noticed it. "Everything OK with you?" Juri asked her worried now and took her hand in hers. Yeonhee blushed because of this action. Before Yeonhee could say anything, a waiter brought their orders. "Juri I have to tell you something. But I'm scared because I don't know how you will react to it." it came from Yeonhee and she now had Juri's full attention. "What's wrong?" Juri asked her now. "All the time we've been together, I've noticed that I feel more for you than just friendship. I don't know how to say it, but Juri I fell in love with you." Yeonhee said to her and looked at the hand that Juri was still holding.

Juri didn't know what to say. If she was honest she hadn't expected Yeonhee to make a declaration of love to her. "Yeonhee look at me, please." it came from her now. Yeonhee looked at Juri and blushed again the next moment. Juri had leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "I feel the same for you. Still, I have something important to tell you." said Juri now and Yeonhee could tell from her voice how serious she was. "I have to fly back to Japan tomorrow. My father has called me back, he wants to tell me something important. I promise, when I spoke with my father, I will return to you." Juri said to her. "I will wait for you." it came from Yeonhee and Juri smiled when she heard this. The next day came and Yeonhee accompanied Juri to the airport. The two said goodbye with the promise to wait for each other.

Days and weeks passed, but Juri still hadn't come back. Yeonhee was waiting for her loved one to come back to her. But when weeks turned into months, everyone else would have given up hope long ago, but not Yeonhee. She was determined that Juri would come through the door at any moment. A whole year had passed and Juri still hadn't come back. Yeonhee was sitting in the class waiting for Ms. Lee to show up, who seemed to be late again. "Hey, you heard that already, we're getting another student. That's why Ms. Lee is late." said one of her classmates. Yeonhee didn't care, she missed Juri very much. She hoped so much for a letter or a call from her, but nothing came. When the classroom door opened, Ms. Lee entered with a girl. "Sorry, that I'm late again, but I had to pick up your new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" said Ms. Lee now.

The girl nodded and her eyes landed on Yeonhee who looked out the window. How much she had missed Yeonhee. "Hello, I am very happy to be here again. The last time I came to your class was a year ago. My name is Takahashi Juri. I hope we get along well." said Juri now. When Yeonhee heard the voice, she looked directly at the teacher's table and there she stood, her Juri. Juri smiled at her and then sat right next to her. After class was over, the two stayed in the classroom. "Do you have any idea, how I was worried about you?" it came from Yeonhee. "My love, I'm terribly sorry that I left you alone for so long. My father wanted to marry me to someone. He had planned an arranged marriage for me. I argued with him about it. It took me a long time to explain to him that I am happy with someone here and that she is waiting for me. " said Juri and paused for Yeonhee to process it all. Yeonhee nodded so Juri could continue. "He later realized that he didn't want to destroy my happiness. So he canceled the wedding. He told me to be happy with the person I love. I took the next flight back to Korea to be with you again , Yeonhee. " she said now.

Yeonhee grabbed Juri's t-shirt collar and smashed her lips on hers. Juri grinned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Yeonhee's waist. After Yeonhee released the kiss, she looked into Juri's eyes. "Never leave me again, you hear me. Never do that to me again." Yeonhee said. "I won't, my love. I will stay with you forever." it came from Juri. Yeonhee blushed when she heard this and Juri kissed her again. 

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