Chapter 5

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When Juri woke up the next morning, she slowly straightened up so that she would not wake Yeonhee. Her eyes fell on the clock and it was just five thirty in the morning. Juri quietly left her room and then went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. After setting the table, she went back to her room. She wanted to wake Yeonhee, and then her parents. When she entered her room, she found her bed empty and then heard the rush of water from the bathroom. 5 minutes later, her bathroom door opened and Yeonhee came out, only dressed in a towel."Good morning, my love. When you've got changed, breakfast will be ready downstairs. I'll wake my parents now." Juri said to her now. Yeonhee winced when she heard Juri's voice. She hadn't expected that she would be standing in the room now. "God, Juri, you scared me." it came from Yeonhee as she turned around. 

Juri smiled when she heard this. She went up to Yeonhee and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, my love. I didn't mean to scare you." she said now. "It's ok. I'll see you in the kitchen in a moment." said Yeonhee. Juri nodded and then left her room to wake her parents. Juri now knocked on her parents' bedroom door. A moment later the door opened and her mother looked at her. "Mom, I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready." said Juri to her. Her mother nodded and then looked briefly into the room. "I'll wake your father. You know how difficult it is to wake him up. Go downstairs, we'll be right after you." said her mother. Juri nodded and then went downstairs. When she got downstairs, she saw Yeonhee sitting at the table in the kitchen. Juri sat down next to Yeonhee and she looked at her questioningly. "Mom wakes up Dad and then they come down. Dad is a very heavy sleeper. Waking him up is never easy. Should we get started or do you want to wait for my parents?" said Juri now and then took something to drink.

Before Yeonhee could say anything, Juri's parents entered the kitchen. "I don't think I need to answer your question anymore. Otherwise I would have said let's wait for your parents." it came from Yeonhee. "Children you didn't have to wait for us. You could have started to eat. Juri, it all looks so good." said Mr. Takahashi as he and his wife sat down. After everyone was seated at the table, they ate the breakfast that Juri had prepared. A little later, Mr. Takahashi got up and kissed his wife. He now turned to his daughter and his future daughter-in-law. "When you are done with what you are planning to do with your mother, you can come to my company. Then I'll show you around and tell you what to do when your company suffers in Seoul." he said now. "Ok, Dad. We'll come over then. We'll see you later." it came from Juri. "I have to go, otherwise I'll be late. See you later." said Mr. Takahashi and then left the house. 

The three talked a little longer. After they finished breakfast, Juri cleared the table. "Juri, let me do that. You have already prepared breakfast." said Yeonhee and then took the plates from her. Juri wanted to protest, but her mother just shook her head. "Let me do this together with Yeonhee. Change your clothes and when you come back we'll both be done with it." said Mrs. Takahashi. Juri sighed, she couldn't refuse her mother and Yeonhee. "Ok, I'll hurry." she said and then went back to her room to change her clothes. When she came back a little later, Yeonhee and her mother had just come out of the kitchen. "There you are, then we can go straight to the onsen." it came from her mother when she saw her daughter. The three of them left the house after Ms. Takahashi locked the door, they all went to the car and got in. Then they drove off. Yeonhee looked at the various shops they passed.

Half an hour later they reached the onsen. For Yeonhee this was something fascinating. She had read something about the onsen, but seeing one for herself was a bit exciting for her. "I hope you will like it, Yeonhee." she heard Mrs. Takahashi say behind her. Yeonhee turned to her and you could see that she was thrilled. "Someone seems to be happy to finally see an onsen." Juri said and then put her arm around Yeonhee. "I've only read something about it so far. So I'm a little excited." it came from Yeonhee and Juri just smiled. "Then I'm glad I suggested this last night. Come on, let's go in." said Ms. Takahashi and led the way. The two followed her and it should be an interesting experience for Yeonhee. 

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