Chapter 2

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Half a year had passed since Juri's return. The two were in their room doing their homework. "Yeonhee I have to tell you something." said Juri and Yeonhee looked up from her homework. "What do you want to tell me?" Yeonhee asked now. Juri didn't know how to say it because she didn't want to panic Yeonhee with the news.

"Promise me you won't panic."

"I promise you. What can you say to me that you're scared that I'm going to panic?" it came from Yeonhee now and she didn't understand why Juri was so worried. "My father contacted me earlier. He told me that he and my mother would land in Seoul tonight. He asked me if we could meet them for lunch tomorrow. My father and mother would like to meet you. And don't worry, I taught them Korean the year I was at home so you can talk to them. "Juri said to Yeonhee and saw that she looked shocked. It had been 10 minutes and there was still no response from Yeonhee. Juri was worried now, put her homework aside and then walked over to Yeonhee. "My love is everything alright with you?" Juri asked worriedly. The next moment, Juri had to cover her ears. Yeonhee screamed, jumped up from the bed, and paced the room. Now that was exactly what Juri wanted to prevent Yeonhee from panicking.

Juri went to Yeonhee and then held her so that she stopped walking across the room. "My love, calm down. Nothing will happen to you. I'll be with you when we meet my parents." Juri said to her and Yeonhee calmed down a little. "Sorry, I didn't want to panic like that. Do you think I'm ready to meet your parents?" said Yeonhee, looking into Juri's eyes. Juri took Yeonhee's hands in hers and brought them to her lips. She kissed them and still held them. "I know you are ready to meet them, my love. Everything will be fine, so stop worrying about it." said Juri and Yeonhee nodded, she knew that Juri was right.

The day came and the two of them were sitting in the restaurant waiting for Juri's parents. Yeonhee got nervous the more time passed. Juri, aware of this, took Yeonhee's hand in hers and tried to calm her down. "It'll be all right. They won't bite you." said Juri. Yeonhee nodded, but before she could reply, Juri's parents showed up. Juri released Yeonhee's hand and then went to her parents. Juri hugged her parents when she looked aside, Yeonhee stood next to her and bowed to her parents. "Nice to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi, I'm Kim Yeonhee, Juri's girlfriend." Yeonhee said to them. Juri smirked when she heard Yeonhee introduce herself to her parents. Her mother had to smile, only her father kept a straight face. "Let's take a seat and we'll finally order something to eat." it came from Juri. The four sat down at the table and ordered something to eat. Juri, Yeonhee and her mother were talking. Her father watched the whole thing in silence. It took some time before Juri's father turned to Yeonhee. "I can now understand what my daughter sees in you. I think she told you that I wanted to marry her to someone. We haven't talked for a week, because of this argument. I've been thinking about what she said to me for a long time. And knew that she was right with what she said to me. I canceled the wedding and told her to be happy with the person she loved. Jikai kanojo ni atta toki, kanojo ga watashi no giri no musume ni naru koto o negatte imasu. (I hope the next time I see her, she will be my daughter-in-law). said her father and the last one was addressed to Juri.

Juri blushed when she heard what her father said to her. Her mother smiled and Yeonhee didn't understand what was going on. "Are you serious, Dad?" Juri asked him now and he nodded in response. "Thank you." it came from her now, she got up and hugged her father. After she sat down again, Yeonhee looked at her questioningly. "I'll tell you afterwards what my father said, my dear." Juri said to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Yeonhee nodded and asked no further questions. Lunch went smoothly and Yeonhee got on very well with Juri's mother. When they were all finished eating, they said goodbye to Juri's parents.

Half an hour later the two were back in their dorm room. "Are you going to tell me what your father said to you in Japanese?" Yeonhee asked her now. Yuri went up to Yeonhee, put her arms around her neck. "My love, my father told me when he sees you the next time, then as his daughter-in-law. it came from Yuri and Yeonhee didn't know what to say. "You're joking, right?" said Yeonhee, looking at Juri in shock. "No,my love, I'm not joking. My father really said that, he gave us his blessing." it came from Juri. Tears were now running down Yeonhee's cheeks. She hadn't expected Juri's father to accept her for his daughter. "Please don't cry. It hurts to see you cry. Don't you want to marry me?" said Juri, wiping Yeonhee's tears away. "Of course I want to marry you. I love you and will never give you back. You will never get rid of me." it came from Yeonhee and Juri had to laugh at it. She would never leave Yeonhee again.

"I love you."

"I love you too." the two had said this to each other, they kissed. They knew the wedding was a few years away, but they would never forget that day.

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