"A Secret Soulmate?!"

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The next sun rises as he makes it back to the in progress base to with pandas to see Grian bulding with spikes and a sertain wood. "Grian I have your suplies and a few guests!" Scar yells and Grian looks down with supprise as Scar digs a small hole in the ground to put the pandas in as he leads them with bamboo. Grian climbs down to Scar with an irritated face. "Scar we are suppost to be building and I told you we would get them later, now leave them alone!" Grian yells. Scar flinches with the loud yell. "I couldn't just leave them!" Scar says petting one of the pandas gentaly. "Whatever you say Scar... May I have the supplies please?" Grian asks changing the subject. Scar looks at him and smiles saying "Oh yeah, here you go!" Scar hands over stacks of wood. "Thank you... Hey Scar, I just have two more floors I want to do then on the inside can you help decorate?" Grian asks. "Of course!" Scar says in reply. "I'm gonna go minning for more supplies and get some stuff to decorate with!" Scar says running off into the woods.

Hours later he sees BigB and Scar talking and decides to hide behind a tree as they talk. "Who is your soulmate Grian?" BigB aks and Grian sighs. "Scar so that means I feel a lot of pain when he goes off to do things. The first moment he had he jumped off the cliff and into the water nearly dying but he luckly made it to the water. Who is your soulmate?" Grian asks and BigB replies "I got Ren as my soulmate... I honestly wish I got you." Grian smiles. "I sort of wish I got you also but Scar also isn't the worst other than the damidge and lack of attention to things."Grian says then BigB grabs his hands gently. "We could be secret soulmates..." BigB offers and Grian goes silent for a minute. "What?! Secret soulmates? Grian don't do it!" Scar thinks to himself. "I...I accept..." Grian says and BigB hugs Grian. Scar tuns his back to the tree leaning against it as he covers his mouth and begins to cry. "Why does it hurt so bad!?" Scar thinks to himself as he pushes off the tree still covering his mouth as he runs through the woods and to the cliff. Scar climbs down and diggs a small cave and blocks himself in.

Scar grabs his chest as he falls to his knees and screams with agony. Tears stream down his face as he crawls his way to the wall then he sits with his arms around his kneese and his head hidden in his arms. "W-Why... does it h-h-hurt so bad?!..." Scar yells angrily. Scar sits in the dark by himself for three hours. The blocks he placed are removed to reveal the suns light so he looks up with puffy eyes to see Scott in the door with a concerned look. Scar looks away from Scott as Scott kneels infront of him. "Scar, what's wrong?! Grian has been looking for you!" Scott asks and Scar looks at him forcing a smiles. "I'm fine... I just needed a break... Where is Grian?" Scar asks slowly standing with Scott. "He...He's up above at the cake fort he made..." Scott says. "Thanks Scott! I'll go find him so he doesn't have to look for me any longer!" Scar says leaving the little area with Scott. Scott sighs and walks away giving Scar some bread. Scar goes up to the fort and Grian runs to him and hugs him tightly, Grian lets go and looks at him concerned. "Where were you?! You had me worried sick!" Grian asks and Scar replies "Just taking a break from everything, I fell asleep but Scott found me and woke me." Grian sighs in releaf. "Thank god you're alright... You can decorate the inside and if you look over there I built a small Panda pin!" Grian says pointing to a wood and bamboo pin full of Pandas. Scar gasps and runs over to the pin with Grian.

"Thank you!..." Scar says and Gran smiles happily. Scar pulls out the roses he found after Grian walks away to the cake fort. "He might like these..." Scar thinks to himself as his eyes flicker pink but stop on their normal brown color. Scar walks into the cake fort and to the very top where Grian looks over the view. Scar hides the flowers behind his back as he walks up next to Grian. Grian looks at him and smiles as they turn to eachother, "What are you doing up here Scar?" Grian asks and Scar pulls the flowers out from behind his back with one hand then he looks away and rubs the back of his neck. "These are for you, I found them when I first started, before I found you." Scar says as his eyes flicker pink again but turn back to brown. Grian is hesitant before taking them. Scar puts his hands to his sides as Grian smells the flowers and his feathers twitch."Thank you Scar..." Grian says looking down at the flowers. Grian looks upset a little so Scar grabs Grian and spins him before dipping him. Grian holds onto scar with one hand and one hand hangs down with the flowers. "Scar what are you doing?!" Grian asks as Scar laughs. "Having some fun is all!" Scar says pulling Grian back to his feet. Grian begings to laugh and Scar smiles. "As long as you are happy, I'm happy..." Scar thinks to himself as he looks at Grian.

Scar watches as the sun sets with Grian by his side. Grian falls asleep against Scar and Scar looks at him with a carring smile. "I'm happy if you're happy... Am I though? Am I just gonna let you go with BigB?..." Scar thinks to himself as tears begin to stream down his face. Scar looks up at the stars and smiles wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm not gonna give up, I can't just let you go with BigB... I'm gonna win your heart...someday..." Scar thinks to himself as he looks back at Grian. Scar gently moves Grian and stands picks him up. Scar moves Grian to his bed then Scar goes to his own bed and lays down staring at the roof for a minute before slowly drifting to sleep.

I believe it's getting better!
I hope you all enjoyed!

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