6: falling

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"Well that was something.." marcy said while sitting on the bathroom floor, then sasha came in "I'm not done with you nerd" marcy gulped sacred for what was about to happen "you're done little b-" before sasha cloud say one more word luz punched sasha right in the head

"WHAT THE BLODDLY HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR" "No one is going to beat my friends" Luz quickly did a fire spell and a invisible spell too covering luz and marcy, they hold their breath walking out of the building "good to see you made it out luz" marcy looked up to see amity and  Anne "sorry about sasha she's has anger issues " "it's fine" "it's not fine you almost got in a fight I don't think you are going to be fine" "damn" "want to go to My place and hangout for a bi- "DO YOU HAVE FOOD AT YOUR PLACE" "yes luzs mom has good enough food for yall to eat" "yay I have not eaten since Monday "


Anne was have her 2nd refill of dinner at luz house and sasha too "Hey gus, Willow and gus meet marcy Anne and sasha" "hello" "Heya" "nice to meet you three" gus and the two others said "nice to meet all three of you guys but give these two a minute" "thank you Mrs.Camila you're food is the best I had my whole life!" "Thank you sasha I'm not the best cook out there, say when was the last time you two girls ate?" "Monday" the girls both said "you guys haven't eaten for two days?"

Later again

"Sasha and Anne why do you guys live in a tree house?" The blonde and Anne looked at each other "well my parents were killed in a mission a year ago" "I ran away from home.."

To be continued

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