~ Prologue ~

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"She has Autism." Y/N was playing in the main lobby. Aligning the toys from out of the toy boxes, in a straight line. The woman sitting across from the doctor widened her eyes. 

"That's it?" He nodded. She looked down. 

"But," Her mother spoke, hesitant at first. "how does that...why is she afraid of being touched?" Y/N's doctor pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"She has haphephobia, Mrs. L/N," Mrs. L/N nodded with a 'uhm'.

"I know, but why? She doesn't live in an abusive household. She's taken good care of."

"Remember you told me the specific gender she doesn't like being touched by?" Mrs. L/N looked to her side, trying to recall, & then nodded when it came to mind. "& what was the gender?" 

"Male." She said that with no expression. The doctor nodded. 

"Patients with Autism usually do not like being touched, & with most of the female patients I had, who was diagnosed with her disability, also did not like being touched by males. It's not just an abuse reason, but because maybe they were raised by females most of their life or, they understand gender privacy." The doctor scanned Mrs. L/N's eyes. "It's rare here in Germany though for children to develop it."  Mrs. L/N gulped harshly. 

"Is there a cure?" 

"No. Scientists cannot predict the reason behind it. But if she goes through any depression, as this is one of the symptoms or learning troubles, it's best to give her this medication & go see a therapist." He handed her the medication & she scanned the label & ingredients. Y/N's doctor stood up & walked in front of  Mrs. L/N. He handed her his hand to shake & she returned it. 

"If there is anything you're concerned about for your daughter, don't hesitate to give me a call or come back in person." & with that, he left the room. 

Y/N organized each toy into its own category & sat back to give it a look. After her thorough search, she noticed a mistake & frowned. She leaned back in & fixed it. Her mother was at the counter, starting a small conversation with the main office worker. She looked over her shoulder at her daughter & slowly her smile turned upside down. "Thank you, have a nice day." She walked towards her daughter & knelt down, hesitant to touch her shoulder. 

"Y/N?" Y/N looked back at the beautiful lady in front of her. The lady she earned her looks from. She smiled & hugged her mother's neck. "Hi, Mum!" Her mom jumped back a little, but smiled & slowly patted her daughter's back. "Hi hon," They departed & Y/N stared into her mother's eyes. Her mother did the same. "It's time to go, so pack up the toys, please." 

Y/N nodded & turned to place every aligned toy back into the boxes. Her mother scanned the habit her daughter had always done, which greatly concerned her in the first place, even though it looked normal. She frowned & huffed. "Darn, I forgot to ask him about that, also." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh well." Y/N was finished & returned the last box back to its rightful place, & she ran back towards her mother's arms. "All done!" Mrs. L/N couldn't help but smile back, Y/N's smile was contagious. She gave her one more hug, before standing up & grabbing Y/N's hand. "Want to go get (favorite treat)?" She asked her daughter in a soft tone. 

"Yes! Yes!" The main office lady watched the mother-daughter duo walk hand-in-hand out of the door. They smiled & turned back to their work...


Y/N took a sip of her coffee, as she read through patients files. After hours of doing that, she turned her chair towards her other desk & went through other medical files, regarding patients. She was a doctor, a very young one at that. She managed to get the job at just eighteen years of age. It took a lot of time, even years to do so, but she finally got it. They were hesitant to hire her at first, not thinking that she would be able to handle such a job at a very young age, but she was & wouldn't give up. 

Knock knock!

Y/N didn't almost hear the knock while her mind was racing. But good thing she finished her coffee & was about to head out to get more. She stood up on her feet out of her chair & walked towards the door, after grabbing her empty cup. She opened her office door & found a dear friend of hers. She widened her eyes in surprise, suspecting it to either be her boss, but also because the one standing in front of her was supposed to be at a patient's surgery. "Rachel? W-what're you doing here? Aren't you—"

"They cut me off." She declared as she took off her bouffant, entering Y/N's office. "They didn't think I was ready based on how shaky my hands were during the course." Y/N wrinkled her brow, glancing out the door to check if anyone was standing near before she shut her door closed. She walked back to her chair & sat in it. 

"Rach, I'm sorry...I..." Y/N gazed at the photo of her mother. She was hugging little Y/N, who wore the most adorable smile. She stared at that photo for a long time before letting out a huge sigh. She looked back up at her friend who hung her head, scratching her arm nervously. "Listen, I'll talk to them about this. I have had this happen to me many times, as I am sure I've told you before. So don't worry." Rachel looked up from the floor & looked straight into her friend's eyes. Confusion marks her expression.

"W-wait! But that's not—"

Y/N opened the drawer to her desk & took out a few papers. "On my way down, I have to fetch these papers. So it may take a little while, but I hope you understand." She stood up from her chair & rushed to the door, barely feeling the hand that grazed her wrist. 

"Y/N! That's not what—" Rachel pinched the bridge of her nose. "That stubborn ass..."


 When Y/N rushed down the busy hall, the sound of a million sirens surrounded her. She halted, earning a shrill from her shoes while they skid across the marble floor. She looked for the sound at the main entrance across from her. Seeing many doctors, surgeons, & paramedics rush to the scene. There was a lot of shouting & moving around. & as they pushed the gurney down the hall where she stood, she saw a sight that baffled her, bringing back traumatic events of her past...

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