Chapter One

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A/N So the first chapter is up :D I hope you guys like it. Some feedback would be awesome. Oh and the picture is Monroe and Dan.

To say that my life is great would be a lie. As humans, we wear masks. Masks that hide who we really are from the world. Why do we do this? Are we really such shitty human beings? I don't know about you, but I know that I am.

My thoughts are racing as I lay here in this beat up mini-van that Dan had "found" six months ago. Even though the van may be a piece of garbage with its torn up ceiling that hangs like cobwebs, its dog-haired covered seats (even though we've never owned a dog) and its windows that once they go down, there's no way in hell that they're coming back up, I'm still grateful for what Dan has to offer. With her very blunt sense of humor, doe eyes and tousled hair, there's no one else that I'd rather call my best friend.

"Monroe! Monroe, get your ass up before I lick your ear." Not realizing that I fell asleep, I woke up startled and now very grumpy thanks to the ever so kind, Dan.

Stretching and yawning, I sit up in the uncomfortable drivers seat. I look in the rear view mirror and cringe when I see the bags under my eyes and my disheveled eyebrows. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and turn to Dan, "What time do we have to get Stormi and Z?"

"We have a little less than an hour to be at the bridge. So that gives us time to eat and make one more stop."

I'm glad that Dan knows what's happening sometimes. It's helpful when you're half alive a majority of the time.

We decide to stop at the local CVS first to pick up some makeup to help conceal our rings of death. This time we're going to have to be very fast considering we almost got caught the last time that we stole.

We've been living like this for a little over a month. The four of us all ran out of the little bit of money that we initially had when we left home. Since living in West Palm Beach can be expensive, we were all drained pretty quickly.

I left home the day that I turned eighteen. I had your typical highly religious parents (A/N I'm not saying that this is a bad thing.) that hovered and controlled my life. So when I turned thirteen and started getting money for birthdays and holidays, I saved up every penny for the next five years. Needless to say, a thousand dollars does not last forever.

Dan's story is a little different. She lived a pretty close to perfect life. Her dad had a great job but he was always away on business. Her mom, Trish, was the bomb. Every weekend Dan and I would have a sleepover and her mom would get us pizza, cookies, salsa and anything else that we would want. She was the real MVP. Dan left when she found out that her dad's "business trips" were actually him going out of state to see his baby that he had with some random stripper that he had met at a club. So if you ask Dan who she loves, she'll tell you that she loves Dave Franco, herself and Halsey. But I know that she secretly loves me too.

We pull up to the store and pause for a second. The store had just opened so there was only one worker at the moment. We took advantage of this.

"So judging by the hair color that is visible through the window, I'm gonna say that Michael's the only one working right now. Here's the plan: I'll go and distract little, lonely Mikey while you get your shit and get the hell out of there. Sounds good?"

All I could do was laugh and nod while I sat there looking at Dan's crazy, mischievous grin.

The automatic doors opened and I began to panic a bit. Dan made her way towards the counter. "Hi Mikey." Dan creepily flirted while batting her eyelashes.

"H-h-hey Danielle. I haven't seen you in a while. You look different. In a good way! In a good way I promise! I mean last time I saw you, you were running down our high school hall with you thong clipped to your bra looking for Mon-"

"OKAY! Shut up, Michael. I get it. Yeah it's been a while since I've seen you too." I've never seen Dan so embarrassed but I took this moment to make my way to the cosmetics aisle. I stuffed some makeup in my jacket and made my way towards the emergency exit.

I know that this was a dumb idea but I didn't think about the detectors. I made eye contact with Dan and signaled her over. We were out of Michael's sight when we began to panic.

"What the hell am I supposed to do, Dan? The metal detectors are gonna go off if I just walk out of the front door!"

"Okay, so here's the new plan: You'll go out of the emergency exit and when Michael runs back here I'll just tell him that i tripped into it. Sounds good?"

I barely processed what she said but without thinking I launched myself into the emergency exit. The alarms started to go off and I didn't want to look suspicious so I quickly walked back to the vehicle. I tried starting the van as I waited for Dan (A/N it rhymes. I am well aware) but it wouldn't turn on. My hands are shaking as I try to start it for the second time. Once again, no luck.

Dan comes running out of CVS like a headless chicken. As I try to start the van again I hear a thud followed by a loud "fuck". Dan fell. On her face. In the middle of a parking lot. In the attempt of getting away with theft. Good job, Swiper.

The passenger side door opens just when the car finally starts, "Let's get the hell out of here. I'm starving and in need of a band aid. Maybe two."

With that being said, we peeled out of the parking lot and headed towards the bridge.

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