This story starts out as a young Dioblo with unfortunate powers known as shadow realm magic. The shadow realm magic was made from the god of hell and he's name is pecithares and pecithares made the power for the dioblos to consume earth and the people of the heavens but there was one shadow realm child who took both paths he walked as a teen through the night to protect the god of hell but he intervened with an angel from the light of heaven and the angel spoke to him and told him that he should help the Lord in his journey to stop the hells angels and to kill the god of hell but dioblo was stunned that the angel had the will to face him. He muttered as he was frozen in he's scarce and sad yes and then the angel said this will only hurt for a sec then the angel had reached for his hand to give him a mark but to see that dioblo jerked back as it burned he's hand because of the blend of light and dark.