Prologue: Being an Ultimate Is Free for a Price

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Prologue: Being an Ultimate is Free For a Price (Part 1: Awaken)

Class Change 2 won’t be started for a long time, so here’s something to tide you over, Mummy. An AU in I put the SDRA2 characters in Brave Danganronpa's location. This is an experiment to see how a different protagonist would affect the story of Brave Danganronpa and how it'd be impacted by the different characters. I have the survivors planned. I've got the death order figured out as well, so all I need to do is plan the cases, and I've already ironed out the first case! Hope you enjoy the story. This story will alter between first person and third person. When you see this emoji (🕵ï¸â€â™€ï¸) you know the narrative has changed to first person.
Hope’s Peak Academy. Probably the best school in the world.
A plain jane was how most people described her. She didn't like being called a plain jane though.
By the way, the definition of plain jane is a girl that is plain, ordinary and not especially memorable or special. An example of plain jane is a woman who is not beautiful or exceptionally smart.
She had lilac eyes, and she had long black hair with an ahoge sticking out the top (the ahoge conventionally covered by a brown hat), one bang covering her right eye.
She wore a long brown trench coat (reaching to her knees) over a white button up blouse. Below the blouse, she wore a dark purple skirt, and below that she wore white stockings and brown shoes. She carried a notebook in one hand. Around her neck was wrapped an orange scarf.
What was her name?
Nanako Yomiuri.
Nanako looked like a normal girl.
Just looking at her, one may not guess that Nanako Yomiuri was an Ultimate herself.
She was known as the Ultimate Mystery Novelist.
But she believed she wasn’t deserving of that Ultimate Title.
Let me explain.
Despite being the brother of Nikei Yomiuri, the Ultimate Jouralist, Nanako hadn’t published mystery novels yet. I mean, she only had a first chapter and a few scattered thoughts for some at the moment, some had full-but-basically-abandoned first drafts done, she was actually in the middle of final revisions on some and she had plans to start querying agents soon, she had some ideas about how other stories could go, but she couldn’t say she had fully settled on whether she would actually be writing them or not. She didn’t have all the details ironed out yet, but she had other stories still in the preliminary stages of planning. And she had written a prompt scene for the rest.
In other words, Nanako did not think she was fitting to become an Ultimate.
Her brother Nikei had an unfinished murder mystery story that Nanako had been begging him to finish because it was one of her absolute favorites (it basically had all the aesthetics of Danganronpa, but with a totally different plot), another nail in the “I’m not deserving of becoming an Ultimate†coffin.
So Nanako was surprised when she was chosen to become the Ultimate Mystery Novelist.
She could still remember the acceptance letter…
Dear Ms. Yomiuri
On behalf of Hope's Peak Academy, I would like to congratulate you, for our talent scouts have determined that you have qualified for a spot in the 80th class.
You’ll be known as the Ultimate Mystery Novelist. I hope we get along with your classmates.
When she received that letter, her head was filled with rapidly bouncing thoughts. No no no, this is wrong, it's too soon, I'm not ready, do I have the proper supplies? Pencils, pens, notebooks- did I even remember to pack spare clothes!? What if-
After she packed her suitcase, she took a deep breath and stood up straight and confident. So...let's do this! Class 80, here I come! But first, I have to tell my brother Nikei about it.
Things would be smooth sailing once she told Nikei about her bright future.
At least, that’s what Nanako thought at first.
Prologue: Being an Ultimate is Free For a Price
Hey wake up!
I woke up in a strange room. I didn’t know where I was.
Wh… Where am I..?
I finally adjusted, and I saw an identical-to-me-boy with one of his bangs covering his left eye, like an opposite me, shaking me awake.
I looked around.
I was in a large metal room.
Is this… a storage room?
I got up, and I found that this metal room was filled with students. The students turned their heads towards me.
Some of them looked and dressed rather… peculiar as well.
“We’re all awake now? I believe that makes seventeen,†said one voice.
"Seventeen? I don’t know if I like the sound of that..." spoke another voice.
After a few minutes, there was a loud beep and a strange voice spoke.
“All students have awoken. Releasing lock.â€
As if on cue, as soon as the voice finished speaking the heavy-looking door opened with a mechanical whirr and clank.
We all started towards the door and took a cautious step through.
Where are we? Is this some kind of reponcist hall or something?
“Welcome, Ultimate Students, to Last Hope Sacturaty!†The strange voice spoke again. "Feel free to explore and get familiar with the facilities. It will do you well to get used to them as soon as possible. Another announcement will be made after an appropriate amount of mandatory socialization and investigation has occurred. Goodbye for now.â€
The prologue is now premiering on Friday! Thank god I have my soundtrack to ward off writer’s block! Because it took me 9 days to finish Class Change 1, I can already tell that this story is going to take a while to finish. Next time: Nanako meets the Ultimate Students.
Prologue: Being an Ultimate is Free For a Price (Part 2: Ultimate Students)

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