Beginner's Luck

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Lunch rolled around pretty fast you would say, the lessons were smoothly surfing by and you had some time to get help to your shoe locker which contained the bag you left behind with your homework completed and a change of shoes- you never knew you were so proficient but you thanked pre-reincarnated you for this blessing. You were still amazed as to how things were working out so well so far, maybe if you get Yashiro to avoid going to the abandoned building to summon Hanako you could prolong the stay a bit? You're sure that once the series ended your time here would too and maybe you could go home, you had jotted this all down in a journal you had kept for some lesson but that was less important than what you needed to figure out. You needed a plan, like good ole Katarina Claes.
Thinking of that plan, you realized there was actually no possible solution to your Hanako situation. If you kept Nene from going how would that stop anyone? Just considering the idea, the story would likely stuff in some extra or some event to make the story continue as it should just like it did for Katarina; your efforts wouldn't matter here if that were the case.
You were going to just have to go with the flow end hope for the best, you grumbled as you put your journal back into your bag with ideas on how to possibly slow the story at the very least. If it was going in the same direction of Katarina's story, then you'd likely be stuck here a while and be forced to live your life out in this manga you tried to get away from to start new obsessions. You look up briefly, noticing Yashiro busy with Aoi yet looking over to stare right at you- for a moment, as your eyes locked she seemed to turn a hefty shade of pink before looking away in staggering whiplash speed. You stand there, quickly gathering yourself to leave your bag slung on the chair before exiting. Nope- no— Yashiro gets with Hanako, you can't disrupt that process.

"Ah, I just have to get out of here and..." Just as you're exiting out of the classroom, you feel a hand grip the frilly sleeve of your uniform, slowly your eyes follow where your head turns and you see the familiar boy with glasses and immediate pin a name to the face. Akane Aoi, the boy who's obsessed over the same girl for who knows how many years, just grabbed your shoulder with the most stern look in his eyes; "What are your intentions?" He spoke clearly and curtly, holding your shoulder in a deathly grip like he was going to break it in 0.2 seconds if you failed to answer his question in time. Yes, you may have panicked as he stared right into your eyes with eyes pointedly gazing into yours without so much of a blink or falter away from your gaze. In an instant, your hand had reached his to yank him snug against your back, leaning your body forward as he suddenly was thrown over your shoulder and headfirst onto the ground with his arm bent weirdly to try and hold onto you. By miracle you managed to flip him cleanly with little to no experience, the shock wore off almost instantly as you heard the sound he made when he made contact to the ground; in a brilliant moment of word association, you had asked him, "Are you ok?"
After flipping Akane , fracturing his ego and possibly his shoulder you ask him that? He groaned outwardly, lips creased as he wailed out a pained noise, "You brute!" He seethed out after a few moments, managing to come to a stand as you rethink every life decision you'd ever made, why would you flip one of the Clock Keepers? Why? Akane might rally them to come kick your ass all for embarrassing him in the hallway where some students hung around for lunch. They were watching and it was not helping your want to lay low, your reputation was skyrocketing and you were evermore annoyed at the thought of distractions to your plans.

"That was just a lucky throw," as you refocused your eyes onto Akane, he had gotten to his feet and now was face to face with you- hands crinkling the fabric of your dress as he yanked you close to him, teeth grit as the laugh lines sharpened around his mouth; "Now what are you planning with Aoi-sama?" His words cause you to laugh briefly, hand plastered over your heart as if what he said was on comedic level to Rose Kelso's most well-known song. You realize, thereafter, he wasn't kidding around. The pupils in your eyes dilate, shaking your head quickly, "No, no- it's not like that, I don't have a thing for-" he shakes you vigorously midway your sentence, cutting you off as your hands scramble to his to try to pry off his grip on you, "Can it! I know your type, you're a ryoutoutsukai! I saw you with Yashiro earlier, holding her like some bride! Have you no shame?!"
Ok, so maybe he was overreacting.

By a lot.

To be fair, it wasn't some secret you were parading around Yashiro but that was only since Aoi scared the both of you shitless with her sudden appearance. Had it not been for that moment, Yashiro never would've been in your arms and therefore none of this would be happening. Though if Akane saw you as a threat to his possible relationship with Aoi already then that would mean, Aoi said something about you that he overheard. Meaning- she also is into you? Girl this is the fourth chapter, you cannot be baggin everyone's love interest like this.
No wonder Akane was angry, he thought you had been making moves on Aoi and he called you something in Japanese that you couldn't understand this time, maybe something that just couldn't be translated in English? You managed to rip yourself away finally from his ranting and vigorous shaking, "Calm down, I'm not into anyone like that! I'm just trying to get by with my studies and stuff, really... I have no time for dating or romance," you wave your hands up as some sign of surrender to the student council boy who seemed to accept this answer of yours.

Mayhaps it saved you, as Akane seemed to take a few steps back from you in careful consideration as well, eyeing you up and down slowly, "So, you don't want to date Aoi?" He asks with wide eyes, as if it was the most incredulous thing he's heard of, "No." You spoke with such a matter-of-fact tone he had no other thought but to believe you. Honestly, why had he wasted his time trying to nearly murder you is beyond your concern, right now you were more worried that students saw your ass almost get beat by some ginger and no one did jackshit to help you out from being nearly bludgeoned. As you took the chance to step away, Akane couldn't help himself but to let his eyes follow your frame as you began to retreat farther and farther away into the corridor til he could no longer see you.

He had to say...
You really hurt his fucking shoulder flipping him over your shoulder.

Congrats, Akane Aoi is your frenemy!

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