Chapter 1

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Bam thought of getting all of his teammates something special as a new year's gift. They have been through thick and thin, and he wanted them to enjoy their time together. No one knows when next they will get a break from climbing.

He was new to selecting a gift for friends, so he needed help. He would have gone to Khun for this, but he didn't want to bother. Khun has been more withdrawn now that their floor test was slotted three days after the new year.

After dinner that night, most people had started leaving to go to their room. Khun had come out a bit later than usual, so he slowly ate his meal. Bam followed Endorsi and asked, "could I talk to you privately?"

Khun raised his head subtly to look at them. Endorsi smirked at Bam and asked, "What for?"

Bam tugged on his shirt uncomfortably. " I would rather discuss this somewhere private." Endorsi's grin seemed to widen. "See you later, Khun," Endorsi called out to spite him.

Khun rolled his eyes at that. He wasn't bothered by the fact that his best friend kept something from him. At least that was what he told himself. Khun packed up his dinner and headed to his room. He suddenly lost his appetite and had to focus on getting information on the upcoming tests.

"So what did you need help with that you came to me and not Khun?" Endorsi asked as soon as they were on the balcony. "I didn't want to disturb Khun, that's all."

Endorsi rolled her eyes at that. "Sure you don't,"

"So I need your help picking up gifts for everyone," Bam said to her. Endorsi stared at him for a long time, saying, "I would help you, but you must not tell anybody about this. Besides, are you sure you don't want to ask Khun about this?"

"Yes, I am sure, "Bam said in response.

The following day, Khun woke up early as usual. He contemplated making breakfast and later decided not to when he saw Bam. Bam was all sweaty because he had probably gone out for a jog. Khun preferred Bam's food more than anything.

Khun didn't eat much, but once it was Bam's food, he always cleared his plate, leaving nothing on it.

"Will you be cooking?" Bam asked as he rubbed with a handkerchief. His sweat was dripping down his face. Khun's eyes followed the motion. He shook his head in his response.

"Want me to make breakfast?" Bam asked as he chuckled.

"Yes, that would be lovely," Khun agreed.

"I would be right back. Let me have my bath." Bam said as he walked towards his room.

After a while, Bam came back to start preparing the meal. Khun sat on the counter and casually asked, "So what have you and Endorsi been up to?.

Bam stilled and chuckled nervously. "Nothing much, actually, just been here and there." Khun knew he was hiding something but decided not to push any further. Besides, if Bam didn't say anything, it was best not to know.

As the day flew by and the test day drew closer, Bam and Endorsi went out more than Khun could count. It irked him, but he didn't show it. The worst part was that Endorsi taunted him every chance she got.

One afternoon when everyone had finished training, they were deciding what to eat when Endorsi sauntered in. She had a devilish look, and her eyes clashed with Khun's. He knew he would suffer, and the devil had found its victim. Khun tried to make a run for it.

"I bet you want to know what Bam is hiding from you," Endorsi said as her smile brightened. Khun desperately wanted to know, but he didn't want her to know she had gotten to him. "I don't want to know that badly, and besides, if he wanted me to know, he would have told me." he retorted.

He hesitated, and her smile grew brighter. "You are such a bad liar," she said as she made way for him. As he was storming to his room, he saw Bam on the way. He only acknowledged Bam and continued on his way, leaving Bam with his thought, "have I done something wrong?"

New year's Eve finally came. They all spent the night under the fireworks. Bam had made sure he was sitting close to Khun. He had sneakily snuck his way close to Khun. Although Khun didn't acknowledge him, he knew he was there.

Khun's eyes focused solely on the fireworks while Bam stared at him. His blue hair glowed more in the light, and his eyes reflected the fireworks. It was colder, and Khun huddled in his blanket. Bam wished he was the blanket.

He didn't want to interrupt the beautiful scenery he was staring at, but he had to speak to Khun. The way the wind caressed his cheeks, and he blinked his eyelashes on his handsome face. Bam pinched himself to get his attention back to reality; he wanted to give Khun his gift.

'Khun," Bam said softly, as if he spoke louder, he would disrupt the peace. Their friends were huddled up near the fire. "Yes," Khun turned to look at him. "I Uhm," Bam stuttered. It was much easier to give everyone their presents. Now that Khun was staring with his blue eyes, he suddenly couldn't remember words.

Khun grabbed his hands and smiled. "It's okay; you know you can tell me anything," he said to Bam. He drew circles on his hands to comfort Bam. Bam stared at their hands and felt the tension leave immediately. "I got you a gift," Bam finally whispered.

He adjusted the blanket and then brought out a box. It was a small one. Khun's face was blank, and Bam couldn't read him. He was getting nervous. Khun collected the box from him and opened the box, and found a new bracelet inside. It had a rare blue gem on it.

All the sounds were drowned out behind them, and their friend's chattering couldn't be heard. Khun removed the bracelet and wore it on his hands. It fit perfectly as if it was customized solely for Khun. Bam could swear he had tears in the corners of his eyes.

He blinked, and it was gone. "Thank you very much, Bam. I would always treasure this gift." Bam smiled at him. Bam was so glad he had thought to get him a gift.

They returned to gaze at the fireworks without letting each other's hands go.

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