💜 Violyn

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Warning: non sexual term of the use "mommy"

Characters: Vi, Caitlyn

Side Appearances: Powder

Setting: Vi and Caitlyns shared home.


Sometimes Powder needed a mom more than a sister. It had been an accident she called Vi "Mommy" after having climbed into bed with her to quell a nightmare.

Vi didnt mind. She was more than willing to comfort her sister how she needed. After the first incident, she had told Powder it was ok to call her such a term, and not to let anyone judge her.

The first time Caitlyn was around for such interaction, she was perplexed. It did take her a bit to adjust, but never felt it her place to worry.

This morning, however, Powder had slept in fir the first time in a long time, and Vi had gone to the station. Caitlyn was alone, reading, when sad blue eyes and an upset 19 year old curled up into bed with her. A glance at the clock confirmed she had only slept around 6 hours.

Caitlyn holds the girl as shes seen Vi do so, carding her fingers through her hair, rubbing her back. Powder doesnt relax. "Im so scared, Mommy. Make it go away, please. I didnt mean to." Caitlyn only knows some of the context, having heard bit and pieces, and Vis side of things.

"Its ok sweetheart. It was only an accident." She parrots Vis words. "What happened wasnt your fault. You were trying to help. Vi was so proud your bomb had worked, but her other emotions drowned it out."

Powder looks up and recoils, nearly shoving herself out of Caitlyns arms. "Youre not-"

"I know, i know. Shes at the station. Its ok. Youre safe. I wont allow you to hurt. Mommys here." The parental title is enough to make Powder slowly get herself comfortable in Vis space of the bed. Caitlyn gets up and drapes Vis jacket over Powder, hoping itll help. Powder puts it on.

"When youre ready, you can keep talking. Until then, would it be ok if Mommy held you?" Powder nods. Caitlyn scoots closer to her, encasing the girl the way shes seen Vi do so.

To her surprise, the only sounds escaping Powder not long after being cradled are snores. Soft, much too gentle. Many nights Vis own soft sounds and faint puffs of breath had lulled her into her own slumber.

It isnt sleep that takes over, however. Its the strong urge to protect. To be alert. To be willing to pull the trigger at a moments notice.

Thats almost what happens when Vi comes home. "Woah there, Cupcake. Its just me." Her hands are raised. Caitlyn puts the pistol back in the bedside table drawer.

"Dont wake your sister." Caitlyn whispers. Vi looks to see Powder tucked under Caitlyns chin.

Instead of saying anything, Vi only slides behind Powder. "Nightmare?" Vi asks above a whisper, but below an inside voice.

"Im amazed shes asleep. She was so shaken when she barged in here. It took her a long while before she realized i wasnt you."

"How long has she been out?"

"A bit over an hour." Caitlyn checks her clock. "Correction: now approaching 2 hours."

They lay in silence, soft snores filling the space. Vis fingers lace with Caitlyns over Powders side.


Vi gets up to make lunch, Caitlyn stays in bed with Powder.

At the smell of bacon and eggs, Powder stirs, groans. "Mommy?"

"Yes dear?" Caitlyn rubs her back. "You ok?"

"Mhm. Thank you for letting me sleep with you."

"Of course luv. Lets get your tummy filled up now, yeah? Vis in the kitchen." They get up, Powder tucked into Caitlyns side as they make their way to Vi.

"Morning sleepy head." Powders plate is set first. "It looks more like a breakfast sandwich than a lunch item, but-"

"Thank you Mommy." Powder picks up the everything bagel with eggs and bacon, and rips it in half before starting in on it.

"Are you going to make me get up?" Caitlyn muses, eyeing the plates Vi seems to be guarding.

"Kiss me for it." She puts the plate down, then sits across from them. "Just teasing, no, i was waiting for mine to finish."

"Good. I didnt feel like losing my appetite." Powder pats her stomach. When Vi took her in, she was all skin and hips and ribs. Now, her structure is hidden by a healthy amount of fat and muscle.


"So, is this a regular thing? I know it took you a lot to even just warm up to me-"

"Yes, it can be a thing. Ive seen you as an extension of sorts of my sister for long enough. Its about time i treat you like i see you as family." Caitlyns heart swells. Almost immediately, Powder is squished in her arms.

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