chapter 1

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Why am I here?...

I'm innocent...

He's the one who hurt me... Who uses people and takes advantage of innocent lives, a man of justice? thats a lie... All of these people preach about justice and fairness to keep equality and peace within the empire but they turn a blind eye to those below them and don't think twice before sentencing someone to death. They are responsible for the corruption...

So why am I taking the blame...

"Miss Alita asmora, daughter of Lord Keith asmora... You have been found guilty for the murder of the seventh court deity have also been found guilty for plotting against the better good of the empire... "Assault of any kind against a court official is reason enough for the punishment of death... Though we have come to a better arrangement... Your advisor has pleaded for your banishment to the penal colony on xanadis... There you will either live out the rest of your life on the hostile planet or perish in its environment... There will be no chance for you to return. Do you accept this sentence... If not then you will be publicly executed..."

Looking up from my position in the center of the room I could see each of the six court deities sitting before me with one empty chair between them. My heart was starting to race and it felt as though I might blackout...

This cant really be happening...

Looking to the side my eyes met those of my best friend standing off to the side, next to two guards fully dressed in the stark white military armor of our empire.

His green eyes held so much anger and sympathy for me but his hands were tied. Neither of us could do anything to stop this...He only gave me a slight nod.

Exile or death...

What kind of choice is that?

Closing my eyes I mumbled my answer, as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. This isn't fair, I only wanted to make things better yet now...

"I-i accept the terms..." My voice wavered and i couldn't stop the stutter in my voice.

"Then by the royal court order, you are hereby exiled to the planet of xanadis for the remainder of your life cycle. Guards take her away..."

varin ran to my side in an instant grabbing me by my shoulders keeping me from falling to my knees as i stood there numbly. The two guards that had been standing by the doorway escorted us out of the room.

I was silent, not sure what to say, or what to do...

"Alita everything going to be okay..."

No matter how much I wanted to believe him, I just couldn't bring myself to do so... Nothing about this was okay! I was being sent to a planet full of criminals, Murderers and thieves! If that wasn't bad enough this place had a reputation for extremely hostile environment, it's so deadly that the empire has refused to colonize it, instead it's been turned into a penal colony...

As we walked we were taken back to my cell to prepare for the drop-off...

"You have ten minutes..." The guard huffed.

Varin glared at them before taking me inside. The door automatically slid closed behind us.

i hugged myself and sat down on my bed, i wasn't sure what to do, i wanted to scream i wanted to cry to tell them they were wrong but no one would believe one but varin... His features softened as he pulled me into a hug.

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