chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to darkness.

Groaning I attempted to feel around at my surroundings, where am I? When my hands came in contact with the smooth metal hatch, it cracked open with a hiss, as air leaked out. From the crack, I could see what looked like sunlight peeking through.

Pushing against the hatch, it moved upwards on its own, and I was blinded by the light of day. When my eyes finally adjusted, I was in disbelief of what I saw before me. The lush greens and blues of an alien jungle.

Pushing myself up, I carefully climbed out of my pod and ascended from the small crater left behind by my landing.

Looking around I found there was no sign of any buildings anywhere...much less no signs of people. Lush blue grass covered the small open field I had landed in and so many strange plants and trees were visible from where I stood.

Grabbing my head I squeezed my eyes shut and told my self this wasn't real, it couldn't be real!

But to my disappointment, I opened my eyes to nothing but the jungle.

This wasn't a was all real.

"No no...." Looking to the sky I tried to find any sign of the ship but there was nothing, just blue sky's and two of the planets three moons lingering in the sky, along with it's lone red sun...

I was on my own...

Thoughts raced through my head as I stood by my pod, what do I do? What can i do? I have nothing... Looking back at the pod i could see it had no thrusters of any kind so there was no way to fly it back...they made these things into a one way trip to hell. Unlike the other planets humans have colonized, xanadis was uninhabitable, the entire world was considered extremely dangerous due to the harsh envirement and deadly inhabitants...not only were the creatures that lived here dangerous... There was rumors that the plant life was dangerous... Toxic fumes produced by flowers, poisonous fruits, carnivorous plants... I shuddered at the thought of running into one of those dangerous creatures or plants.

Closing my eyes I tried to think of the most logical thing to do.

After a moment I realized I did have something.

Going back to the pod I searched it's interior for what I was looking for, on the floor I found a latch that should open a secret compartment for supplies. Hopeful I tugged on the handle but it just wouldn't budge, no matter how much I pulled.

Pulling with as much strength as i could, wasn't enough as my hands slipped and i fell back on the ground with a thud.

Groaning I sat up and looked around the surrounding area, maybe there was something i could use to pry it open?

Noticing a branch near the treeline, I made my way over and picked it up off the ground. But as I did so, a vine on the tree beside me, moved...

Spinning around I didnt see anything strange, but something felt off. I took a step back looking around, still seeing nothing.

After a moment of looking around, i decided to take the branch back to the pod, only for my foot to instantly get caught on something...or better yet...for something to catch my foot.

"Ah?!" I fell face-first into the ground. Any other time I would have laughed at my stupidity but this wasn't the time.

The thing I caught my foot on, wrapped itself around my ankle and i could feel it start to pull, trying to drag me into the forest. What is this thing?!

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