chapter 3

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The sound of a branch snapping just outside had me awake and alert In seconds. As my heart rate sped up, threatening to beat out of my chest.

All other sounds had stopped, there was no more chirping of insects. Or callings of small animals, only the night's breeze conjured sound from the swaying leaves.

I peeked out from my dwelling, to see if there was anyone or anything outside, but even with the moons high above, illuminating the forest, I could hardly see anything.

I waited for a few moments to see if anything would come out or make some kind of noise. Once I was sure I was safe I crawled out of the cramped den. My leg and hand both throbbed in pain and my throat felt dry.

Looking out into the forest I could see light reflecting off something. Getting closer I could see it was a small ditch with water pooled in it, and the moons light reflecting off the surface of it.

Kneeling down I filled my flask with the water before sealing it shut, next I removed the cloth from my hand carefully. Once it was off I soaked both my hands in the water and sighed, washing the dry blood off of my arm. Once I was done i carefully rinsed the cloth in the water and wrapped it back onto my wound.

Looking back at the water I could partially see my own reflection. My long white hair was braided off to the side with strands sticking out all over I looked like a mess...

Varin didn't do such a great job at braiding hair, it was very loose and falling apart. Reaching for my braid to untie it I noticed something in the water, or better yet, in the reflection of the water...i could see a figure standing behind me.

Horror washed over me and my stomach sank as I reacted a second too late.

I spun around as the man grabbed me by my hair and shoved me to the ground.

I screamed and kicked flailing my arms out to try and push him off.

A sickening laugh came from the man as he grabbed me by the neck and started to choke me. My eyes shot open as I tried to put his hands from my neck.

"Haha! It's always fun when they struggle... You new-fallen are always so easy to track down, you dont cover your tracks or try to hide your scents at all! It's like your asking to be hunted!"

Looking at the man I could see his eyes looked crazed and many scars covered his body, and burn marks scorched his entire left side. As he smiled down at me i could see his teeth were pointed as if he had grinded them down each into individual fangs. Was he even human?!

I clawed desperately at the hand around my throat as my airway was completely blocked. I can't breathe! I struggled and tried twisting my body to get him off but he positioned himself to sit on top of me so i couldn't move.

No no no! Choking out words I begged him to stop but this only seemed to excite him more as he licked his lips and pulled out a knife, pressing it against my cheek.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this...i haven't eaten a proper meal for six days now...all because of that native... But I finally managed to lose him two days ago...i can't spend to much time here so dont worry this will be quick...mmm...your so fresh too...a bit skinny for my taste but oh i can deal with it...its a shame most of you will go to waste though..."

I continued to claw at the man's hand trying to get a grasp of air as he rambled on, I can't die like this! This man was insain!

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