chapter 4

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The chirping of birds and sounds of other small creatures stirred me awake, and I found myself curled up in a hole in the ground. It took me a moment to realize exactly where I was.

I had to take a moment to let the facts settle in. That I'm no longer in the safety of my home, that I'm trying to survive on a hostile planet. That I could potentially die.

Closing my eyes I let myself relax some. I can't dwell on these things, I had to focus or else I really might just die. Opening my eyes I realized I was still holding the knife from last night.

Memories of watching that....thing come out of nowhere and kill a man were still fresh in my mind. Was it still out there?

Peeking outside of the hole I didn't notice anyone or anything lurking about. But was it really safe to go out there?... Most likely not.

Sitting back I looked more closely at the knife it was a long slender blade made from a very dark-colored metal. The handle had some silver rims and strange markings were carved into the sides of the blade. This wasn't something given in a survival kit. This blade was unique and unlike any weapon I've ever seem within the empire...

The grumble of my stomach reminded me of the fact I needed food. I guess I had no choice, staying in the den wasn't an option. As for water, maybe i could go back to the small ditch i found? No...i would rather not see the dead body of a man in the daylight. I shuddered at the thought.

Looking through the opening of the den I made sure that there was no sign of that creature from last night. Once I felt sure enough that it was gone I crawled out of the hole and stretched my limbs. It felt good after being in that cramped hole all night, my body felt stiff. Grabbing my bag of supplies i started walking in the opposite direction of the watering hole, in hopes that i might find some food. I also kept my eyes out for any more crazed people who might try to kill or eat me.

Touching my neck it was obviously bruised. I sighed and continued looking for anything that might be viable as food. My leg and palm continued to throb in pain and after walking a short distance i had to take a break.

Sitting on an old log I set the knife in my lap. My hand hurt more than anything, and I carefully unwrapped it to see just how inflamed it was. Wincing in pain I dug through my bag for my flask, so i could cool it off with the water i had saved.

The rustle of leaves had me stoping what i was doing. Only then did i notice that nothing was making any sound. The birds had stopped and i couldn't hear anything but the sound of my own heartbeat beating in my ears.

Looking around, i saw nothing but trees bushes and various plants, but something was telling me i was being watched.

Slowly I took hold of the knife with my good hand and carefully stood up. Keeping an eye on my surroundings. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as my heart rate increased. After a moment I took a few steps back, ready to turn and run.

A thud of something hitting the ground had me frozen in place as a familiar growl came from behind me. I paled as my stomach dropped. Turning my head slightly to look back. My eyes came across the same monster that had chased me down the night before and killed a man it was nearly black in color against all the blues and greens of the forest, I hardly could see the thing at night yet now I could seen how truly terrifying it looked...

I looked up at him horrified as he towered over me. His face showed nothing but anger as he bared his fangs, and glared down at me. He took on a humanoid form but he was nowhere near human.

A pair of horns poked out from the top of his head like a crown, And his tail... Looked as though it could reach over five feet. At the end of it was a bladed tip, sharp enough to cut through someones flesh with ease...

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