chapter 5

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I sat nearby watching the alien closely, he seemed to be ignoring me completely, without much, if any curiosity...

He was sitting in the shade of the tree leaning against his spear, keeping an eye on our surroundings, I also found him glancing up at the sky. I'm still confused and unsure what to do in this situation, he did save me but I don't think it was complete intentional he just wanted his knife back.

The man who attacked me was no doubt a criminal who was exiled here to die, im not sure if I should be surprised about the fact he had been surviving on this planet or not, but he was definitely insain... My stomach churned at the idea of just how many other people he might've eaten while here...

There was a awkward silence between me and the alien, if I want his help I have to try and communicate with him somehow...

Peaking around the tree to look at him I could get a better look at his body. He had armor-like scale plating running down his spinal cord to his tail and a few white paint markings all along his collarbone, chest and arms, it was clear they were some kind of tribal markings, meaning there was others like him. I looked at his spear and noticed the spearhead was made from what looked like obsidian, and the wooden staff was grey in color.

The fact he had tools and other accessories means that they are intelligent to some degree, and his attitude supports that theory... If he were some savage caveman he would've bashed my head in already, instead he's just ignoring me like im just some minor annoyance, so he must see im not a major threat to him, right?

He glanced over at me without moving as if knowing I was watching him. I turned my head away so it didn't seem like I was staring... Even now my shyness is getting the better of me. The only reason I was brave enough to follow him was because im less scared of him than I am this wretched forest...

I heard some rustling and looked back to see him standing up and walking off. Panicking I quickly put the spare fruit in my bag and got up to go after him staying a short distance behind.

It didn't take long for him to acknowledge I was following him once more. He merely glanced at me then mumbled to himself. He continued to travel through the forest terrain determined to get somewhere, and fast. Through all the trees I could see the sun was going to set soon and I gulpped, hoping shelter was somewhere in the books tonight, I hated to think what might come out at night in these forests.

My leg was sore and I swear it felt like the forest would never end. My mouth felt dry and I glanced at my bag debating if I should drink what little water I had in the flask, or use it to clean my injured hand...

Looking up I stopped in my tracks and fear crept into my heart, the man was just gone... I frantically looked around for any kind of movement or sign of where he might've gone, but there was nothing... I wanted to call out for him but what use would it do when he didn't speak my language not care about me?

I ran forward in the direction I thought he might be gone but once again saw no signs of him, not even tracks, he couldn't have just disappeared into thin air could he?!

We had been walking for hours, and were no doubt far from where we started, I doubt I could retrace my steps back to the pod or safety of the hole. Feeling helpless I sat under a large tree and hugged my knees. Now what do I do?...i had no weapon to defend myself either if something came crawling out of the woods, and my food and water was limited...

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