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This man proposed to his girlfriend a week ago, and still collected my number. I couldn't wait for morning, so I'll disappoint Ginika with the news. I blocked him, and then had a second thought, what if he just want to discuss something else with me? I unblocked him, but what else would he want to discuss? I don't think I want to hear it, I blocked him again.

When I told Ginika, she still tried to defend him.
" hmm, a week ago, what if he broke off the engagement? Or she did?"
" for real?, ginnie" I teased her.
" or maybe he just want to discuss business with you"
" oh, because I look like a business woman?"
" I sincerely don't know what to say Ireti, but maybe you shouldn't have blocked him."
" abeg, it's better that way, I don't want to find myself on gistlover for dating an engaged man"
" that's true sha"
Gistlover is a popular blog in Nigeria that trashes everyone who misbehaves publicly, nobody knows the handler, but the fear of gistlover is the beginning of wisdom.

I called my mom and informed her that I'll be home by noon.
" okay my love, we are waiting for you" we?
" yes my love"
" how many people are home"
" don't worry about that my love, when you come, you'll see them" and she hanged up immediately, as if knowing I'll persist and avoiding it.
Knowing my mom, she would have informed my entire extended family about my arrival, I begged her not to tell anyone, she promised. I should have known I've been played. I consoled myself that I only have few hours to spend with them, as I'd be joining the other girls later in the evening, at the Luxury apartment we'd be lodging for the wedding.
" what time is your fiancé coming to pick you"
" he'll soon be here, he's with chike"
" okay"
I noticed her pause and smiling at me
" what"
" nothing"
I turned to wear my wig. Ginika's fiancé would be here soon, and she'll have to help me order an Uber home. I sighed, preparing my mental health for all the drama that I'll face today. I have aunties, crazy ones, I have an Aunty that had once told me to drink holy water over the phone, be sure she said it will help good and responsible men to locate me for marriage .
" sip it, and swallow it, all you have to do is believe Ireti, there's nothing God of BabaLola cannot do"
Once, my dad's elder sister had told me to wear only yellow outfit to work for two weeks, because she had a dream that I got proposed to at work,and I wore a yellow dress. She called every morning to confirm the colour, until I stopped picking her video calls in the morning, we never spoke about it again.
I am the first grandchild, from both sides, maybe that's why the craze to get me married is in high demand.
"Daniel is coming with Chike"

"Oh" I replied her, pretending to be absent minded, as If in reality, my heart didn't skip at the mention of Chike.
" different cars, I asked Chike to give you a ride home"
" you're joking?"
" no"
" Ginika, you should have asked with me first, what if I don't want a ride from him?"

" why? You don't even know him, it's just a ride, I mean, he's willing to help out, why are you complaining"

" Girl,I don't need his help! He broke my pallete , he'll break my pink box next."
" when you see him, you can warn him to be careful with your pink box" she slurred her words, intentionally.
" I know this game you're playing Ginika, and trust me, you won't win"
" we'll see"
I hate matchmaking, I hate the awkward sense of loss and hurt it brings to friends who were involved in it,after potential break up. I hate the expectations , the embarrassment, disappointment,I hate everything.
As soon as they arrived we checked out, I haven't met Daniel in person, we hugged and he teased me about how I look more pretty and petite in person. Chike rested on the boot of his car,he watched us without saying hi to me, He hugged Ginika with a very bright smile. God, he's so handsome.I rolled my box towards him.
"Hi" he replied, as he assisted with placing my box in the boot.
He asked me to type my address on the map, and we had a pretty silent, but long ride.
I like calm and collected guys, but not guys who treat me like I'm invisible,he didn't even try to strike a conversation with me,I mean, how am I suppose to say something when he doesn't even give the vibe that he's interested in a conversation. The aura was so cold. I know I said I didn't want to get involved with Nigerian men anymore, but I wished he'd say something, seem interested at least, As we cornered my street, I sighed and muttered "finally"
He looked at me
" finally? Oh, look, the man speaks.
"Yes, finally, I'll get off this car and away from the weird silent man who never speaks!" I didn't say that out did I? Omg.
He chuckled. I flushed. I told him to park right in front of my gate, As soon as he parked , i unbuckled my seat belt,as I made to open the door, he said "wait"
"What?" I faced him, we were so close, our face I mean. We were almost inhaling each other's breath,That was when I noticed his eyes wasn't even black, it was more grey, he had a perfectly shaped lips, and his beards connected. He moved back
" the black gate is yours right? I can drop you inside if you want"
" no, thank you"
I tried to open the door again. " wait" I rolled my eyes before looking at him. " do you want to say something to me, Chike?"
"Yes, Ginnie says y'all will be at the apartment later tonight, do you mind dinner with me? To make up for the silent and boring ride I gave you"
I didn't know what to reply him, because I sincerely wasn't expecting this character change.
" I don't think I'm up for that, I might get so drained before evening, I'm meeting my family for the first time since eight years, and I'm sure there'll be a lot than I can handle."
"It's okay,"
"Yea, thank you so much for the ride"
He smiled and nodded. Such a fine man.
I got down, dragged my box to the gate, and inhaled deeply before ringing the bell. Thank God our house had a gate, my whole family would have trooped out at the pull up of a car. It would have been worse if they notice the handsome driver, it won't take long before my fierce looking aunties will put two and two together, and know that he's not a Uber driver. I shuddered at the thought of the drama I just escaped, I shook my head and rang the gate again.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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