1 - Elimination

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"And tonight's eliminated contestant isss.... Lightbulb! What a shame." Mephone said with an almost sarcastic tone. Lightbulb looked down, sad at first, but her face lit up when she realized she'd get to see her friends again, not seeing them for so long really took its toll on her. She got up from her seat looking pretty excited, but maybe a little nervous. Then she finally stepped into the portal.

At first there was a white flash, then a blur of colors. As the white faded her vision cleared. The sudden change from wood to carpet caught her off gaurd, distracting her. She was excited and almost impatient, but that feeling was short-lived as it was quickly replaced with a sort of nervous feeling. She didnt know if everyone else would be happy to see her, being on her own really made her think about how everyone acted around. It's been getting to her head lately... Even though she knew she was probably overthinking it, she had sort of realized how oblivious she had been and felt guilty for being so annoying. Even though she knows better than to think like that, she just couldn't help it.

She stepped into the hotel. The sudden change from wood to carpet felt very weird, but she shook it off. She looked around and noticed no one seemed to really acknowledge her appearance, which kind of hurt her feelings. She was an optimistic person though, so she tried not to think much of it.

She began walking around to look for OJ. As she roamed, she observed the hotel and its decor. This was her first time inside the hotel. She wasn't exactly surprised by the amount of orange, but didn't really expect OJ to use so much of it. Her thinking was interrupted when she suddenly ran into fan.

"Lightbulb? Oh my goodness! We missed you so much!" He exclaimed.

"Really!?" All she had previously worried about went away for a while. "I missed you guys too!!"

She had a huge grin on her face, she was so happy that Fan was excited to see her! She was still worried about everyone else of course, but she told herself it'd be fine. It'd be out of character for her to be so negative, so she tried to just push it away,. Everyone loves Lightbulb, she's the brightest of the bright lights! Eventually she stopped thinking about it as her and Fan made small talk, talking about the show and how she's been since she got to the final four.

"So hows the final 3 doing?" Fan asked

"Relatively well I guess. I've been trying to cheer up Baseball and I think it's working! I'd say we're friends now." She spoke proudly.

"That's good! I hope he doesn't get sad again with you gone."

"Yeah, I feel bad for him. I'm sure he'll push through though!"

Lightbulb knew it was probably gonna be difficult for Baseball but she still believed in him, he's strong! Her and Fan chatted for a bit longer until Lightbulb remembered a certain someone she was expecting.

"Oh yeah! Fan, how's Paintbrush?"

"Oh, they're doing pretty good! they're in their room if you wanna see them!" He smiled. "Just knock before you go in, you know how they are. Fan chuckled along with Lightbulb.

"Well, I'll be on my way then! It's nice to see you again Fan!"

She started walking off but suddenly paused, then swiftly turned around to face him again.

"Uh, where's their room?" She nervously grinned.

"Oh, it's the first room on the right, on the third floor." Fan waved bye to her and went to find Test Tube.

After walking around outside for who knows how long, he finally found her walking towards the vending machine. He started running to catch up to her, calling her name to get her attention.

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