Teacher au.

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Hey guys so I just wanna say that in this au. This is a teacher x student au. Tony will be 17 and would be turning 18 in 1 month in this story and Stephen would be 25 in this au as well. Tony's also know as the famous playboy and he's popular so he gets all the fan girls and fan boys around him most of the time. So Tony's the student and Stephen's the teacher and I hope you guys like this and one last thing when the font is like this -> like this it means the character is thinking, anyways enjoy!

Tony was in class talking to his friends Clint and Natasha and yelling across the room to talk with Bruce since they had assigned seat (how stupid is that!) and since they ended up being across each other. The class of course was being their usual selfs, noisy and as always took the advantage to be screaming in class since there wasn't a single professor/teacher/Adult in the room with them.

The class quickly grew silent as they watched a man they haven't seen before walk in. Who the hells that? Tony thought narrowing his eyes at the man while looking at him up and down realizing how attractive he looked. The man was wearing proper appropriate clothes a sweater and some jeans, he had black hair with silver or gray at the side which just made him look....sexy. The man was tall that was for sure about 6,4 maybe and compared to Tony he was a giant!.

The man smiled and put down a small suitcase by the teachers desk and walked to the middle of class. Hello class! I'm going to be your new teacher for the rest of the 7 months since your teacher mrs. Maximoff is currently pregnant and having the needs for rest." Explained the hot man looks like I'm stuck with this hottie from now on...great.. "Let's start of by attendance shall we? I'll only be calling first names since it appears that nobody seems to have the same name and since theirs really no point..yeah...great. Bruce?" Explained the man then calling out on the student "Here!." Said Bruce at the back of the class raising his hand up and smiling at the new teacher who smiled back. The teacher called on a couple more names before calling on nat. "Natasha?" "Here,sir and please call me Tasha or nat." Natasha said standing up and smiling. "Alright Tasha!"

"And last....Tony?" Said the man looking around the class for somebody to stand up and say here or present. Tony just rolled his eyes "yeah...Hi...now get on with it!" Tony said in a grumpy voice trying to sound tough. The handsome man furrowed his eyes brows and walked up to Tony's desk "I'm gonna need a proper attendance reply Mr. Stark..!" Snarled the man towering over tony now. The class just widened their eyes ready to see what Tony would say knowing he was the "bad boy" or the "tough guy" in the entire school. But what shocked the class was how he responded. Tony's eyes widened and stuttered out "y-yes s-sir uhm h-here..". His breath hitched as the teacher simply smirked leaning a bit closer and then finally backed away facing the class once again. "Anyways my name is going to be mr. Strange but please do call me dr. Strange" answered m-dr strange. God why'd he have to be so hot I wanted to fucking pull him and kiss him right there and then! Tony thought pouting out loud which caught dr. Strange's attention. The man turned to him and smirked "detention for you stark." Said the man. "What?! Why!" Tony said, eyes widened looking at the man. "1. For interrupting class, 2.for being noisy, 3. Talking back to me. I'll see you after class now shut up and listen to me now does anybody have any questions..?" Stephen sternly said. Tony rolled his eyes and slumped back in his chair. A couple students raised their hands which Stephen gladly pointed out. "Yes?....uhhh Sarah?" Stephen said looking back at the list of names and the young girl again.

"Are you or we're you a doctor since you asked us to refer you as doctor strange, sorry it's a really weird question but I just couldn't help but wonder." Sarah said tilting her head then apologizing. Stephen just smiled and answered "no,no no worries Sarah it's absolutely okay, but to answer your question, yes I indeed was a doctor but not just a doctor I was specifically a neurosurgeon that was until I was in a accident which uhm caused me to loose by job." Explained Stephen looking down at his hands after saying the last part. Sarah simply nodded as Stephen answered a couple other questions which weirded Stephen out. Since the questions were literally students asking if he was married,single,taken,up to a relationship,or if he was willing to perhaps date a student with the letter S in their name which Stephen simply answered no to all of them besides up to a relationship. Tony just scoffed at all the questions and dozed off a bit bit realizing that he had fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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