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1983, August 8th
(Tw: Slurs)

It was 8 am and the first day of 8th grade, Steve was walking into class.

He thought "why does math have to be first period every single year".

Then something else had caught his attention, he saw a boy with long dark

curly hair, he was wearing an Iron Maiden T-shirt and jeans with a chain attached to them.

Steve sat down, he was still staring at this mysterious kid.

That same boy caught Steve staring at him. Steve quickly looked away.

He then walked over to empty chair next to Steve. "Is this seat taken?" He questioned.

"Oh, uh no it's not" Steve smiled. The boy sat down and got out his notebook and pen, Steve doing the same.

"Class, quiet down, quiet down" the teacher said. "I'm going to be taking role now, Cunningham".

"Here" Chrissy stated. "Hey um, are you new here" Steve asked.

"Yea, I just moved from Michigan". "Cool". "Harrington" the teacher called out.

"Here" Steve said. "So what's your name Harrington". "Steve, what's yours?".

"It's Eddie, Eddie". "Munson". Eddie gave Steve a soft smile and chuckled "Here".

"God, look at that guy" a boy stated. Steve was overhearing the conversation.

"He looks like a fag" the boy laughed. Steve looked back at Eddie.

Eddies smile was fading. Steve was furious, he absolutely hated that word and how it made people feel.

"Hey, Jason". "What Harrington". "Can you ever shut the hell up".

Jason stood up like he was ready to fight. "Mr. Carver, take a seat please".

Jason's eyes focused on Steve, he looked pissed.

Steve just laughed and turned back to the front if the classroom, he then felt a little nudge on his shoulder.

"Hey, Steve you didn't have to do that" Eddie said in a whisper.

"It's okay, I wanted to, no one should be called that". Eddie slightly smiled. "Well, thank you".

Here it is! The new story, I hope you guys like it so far :-) also sorry it's kind of a short chapter...

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