New Girl

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A long time ago, I believe September something 2013, I met a new girl at school named Destiny Crommie. We had a lot in commen and became fast best friends. We sadly only shared one class just about I can't really remember but we were amazing friends. I had a small crush on her at the time but this was before I had the courage to ask anyone out so the thought of me asking her out scared me because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and make it awkward. Little did I know that she was on to me, but I will get to that a bit later. The thing about me and Destiny was that we shared just about the same interests with each other. we both loved Doctor Who, we both read the Eragon books (and if you haven't read them you should go read them right now they are amazing books) we were both epic readers although she is better then me at it. We watched pretty much all of the same youtubers. We even both LOVED to go outside and never wear our shoes, Which I do strongly recommend doing because your feet will feel amazing and it will make you healthier due to the electrons in the ground that you can only get from your bare feet touching the ground (bout a 40 minute walk a day barefoot on pavement, sidewalk, grass, dirt, soil, forest, etc should do it). So as you can tell by now me and Destiny shared a lot of interests and by now just about all of our friends were saying we should be together which I was kinda flattered about but back then I guess I hadn't fully realized that I was really loving her, which I realize today and that is why I am making this story.

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