Is it him or me ?

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Hello, my dears :)
Before I start writing - a few words ; Barcode (Chay's actor) is 17 years old so I can't bring myself to write smut in detail.
Sex is normal as long as all parties want it, even at this age. However, I don't feel comfortable writing sex scenes like my other books about a minor, especially since Kimhan is older.
I have nothing against the age difference! The only thing I really care about is that he's not of legal age. I'm going to put certain things into the storyline, so sex will be mentioned and you'll know what's going on. However, as I said, I won't write anything in detail.
Chay will be 18 years old and Kimhan will be 20 years old in my story !

Another note - I will write two endings so that everyone is happy :)

I hope you like the story. Have fun while reading :)



"Are you ready ?" Porsche asked his younger brother.

Porchay stared out of the window of Kinn's car. 
They parked in front of the university Chay would go to from now on.

It's the same university that his brother and his friends go to, so he won't be alone but he's still nervous.

"Chay ?" Kinn now called the youngest.

"Yes P'.. I'm ready." he said.

His brothers left the car and Chay took  a quick glance at his phone to check if his boyfriend Kim wrote him, but no, nothing.

He took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

Porsche grabbed the youngers arm and the three made their way to the schools entrance.
Kinn and Porsche's friends were already waiting for them.

"Porchay !" Tay called the youngest.

Porsche's friends obviously knew Chay but Tay was the only one the younger really got along with.

The older one was calm and funny and understood Chay, what made him feel at ease whenever his brother wasn't around them.

"Okay Chay listen.." Porsche began.

"I already showed you the way to your classroom. You remember? Do you think you can go there alone or should I accompany you ?"

"Yes P'. I remember. I can do this."

"I'll be waiting for you at the canteen at break okay ?"


"Good. If anything happens - Just call me or Kinn. Our phones are turned on, okay ?"

Chay just nodded.

He knows his brother is just worried about him after all, Porsche raised Chay and he knows that the younger one has severe anxiety.
Back then Chay went to another university for two months but eventually changed to Porsche's for his mental health. It was only normal for Porsche to act like this right now.

"Okay Chay, I love you, come here."

Porsche pulled his little brother in for a hug.

"I love you too. See you later."

The youngest turned around and left for his class.

"He's gonna be fine baby." Kinn said and hugged Porsche from behind.

"I really hope so.."


"Excuse me ? Is this mister Bunmak's class ?"

"Yes. This is my class, hello you must be the new kid ?"

"Yes my name is Porchay Kittisawasd."

"You can sit down over there." the teacher said and pointed towards the window side.

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