you're the one that I want.

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-MacauChay ending-

"Stop apologizing Chay."

"I'm -"

Macau just pulled him in for another hug.

Chay's head laying on his shoulder, he let out a loud sigh.

"Listen, I told you he's the biggest asshole in this family. I have no idea what made him think like this but he always said that love doesn't exist. He's fucked half Bangkok already and to be honest I'm surprised he fucked you..-"

Macau stopped.

"Sorry.. I'm surprised he slept with you. He's straight. At least I've never heard that he had something with a boy before."

Chay started to shake again.

"You know what.." Macau said and stood up.

He went over to his wardrobe and took out some clothes.

"Go take a shower. Let's have a sleepover. I'll call Porsche."

Chay looked at his best friend thankful.

The younger one stood up and went over to Macau.

"Thank you so much." He said and pulled the other boy into a hug again.

His head on Macau's chest, he could feel the older's heart racing.

"I'll go shower real quick.." Chay said and left Macau's room.

He went down the hallway to the bathroom on the left and opened the door. He was here a hundred times already but today's different. He felt.. empty ? No no, actually he felt.. sad ? No that's not it either. He felt nothing and everything at once.

He turned on the water and undressed himself before he stepped in the hot shower.

"Fuck.." He whispered to himself as he started to cry silently.


"Chay ?"

"P'Pete, hello." He greeted the older.

They met in the hallway after Chay left the bathroom.

"Are you okay ? You look sad."

"I'm okay P'." Chay answered and looked towards Macau's room.

"I'll get going P'." He said and Pete nodded.

"Hey. You feel better?" Macau asked the moment Chay came into his room.

"Yes..thank you. Uhm.. did you call my brother?"

"Yes. He's okay with you staying over. Besides that - Pete, Tay and Time are over. They're gonna update him the second he asks about you. Come on, calm down Chay. It's not the first time you're sleeping over. Why are you so tensed ?"

"I'm not It's just.. Well you know.. I don't wanna bother you and your family.."

"Woah hey.. you're not brothering me or Vegas or Pete. I told you to stay over right ?"

Chay nodded.

"See ? Now come here. Let's order food."


Macau looked at his phone, sunken in his thoughts.

"You know what ? No. Let's go shopping. We're gonna cook for ourselves."

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