'cause it's you.

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KimChay ending


"Fuck Kim yes !" the girl underneath him literally screamed but Kim couldn't even enjoy this.

Two days ago, he met up with Chay and it ended in a disaster.
"It was Chays fault. Afterall he just took my phone. I can't trust him." He told himself over and over again but deep down he knew that this was just bullshit. He just wanted to make himself feel better but no...

His mind kept on reminding him of this little boy.

The way Chay looked at him, the tears in his eyes.
Kim knew it was his fault. Everything was his fault ! He went too far and now Porchay had to pay the price.

"Kim I'm about to-"

She didn't even finished the sentence. Kim pulled out and straight up left for the bathroom.

He could hear the girl calling his name but he once again ignored her.

"Fuck.." he said, standing in front of the mirror.

Kim couldn't recognize himself. He had meaningless sex many times before. He never fell for anybody. Why would he ? Love doesn't exist and feelings are stupid anyway.
But why's he feeling like this right now ?

"Stop overthinking Kim. It'll be fine." He said and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Get dressed and leave. I want to be alone." he told the girl and left the room.

"Fucking asshole.." she whispered but he heard her.

This wasn't the first time some chick would curse him, he just never cared.


A week went by and slowly but surely Kim began to realize that maybe, it wasn't going to be fixed in no time.

He tried to call Chay several times, but the younger wouldn't pick up. Chay even blocked him on all social media platforms

"Kim ?"


Kim sat at the table with his brothers and their bodyguards. They had breakfast together and were still waiting for their coffees.

"Damn where's your mind today ?" Kinn asked and the younger just scoffed.

"I asked if you want to join the event next week. It's Porsches birthday and we wanted to celebrate it big."

"Yeah sure whatever.." Kim answered and Kinn rolled his eyes.

He knew his little brother could be an asshole so he didn't really expected something more than this but it could be annoying sometimes.

"Hey uhm.. Kinn ? Can I ask you something ?"

"Sure ?"

"So.. I have a friend and he has a good friend. They did it a few times and-"

"Don't tell me you got a girl pregnant. Dad is going to kill you !" Tankhun interrupted and Kinn choked on his coffee.

"Khun stop. He's not right, is he ? Otherwise I will be the one to kill you."

🎶𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾. >𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚞𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚢-𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚑𝚊𝚗<Where stories live. Discover now