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That first kiss
That first moonlit kiss
That kiss
That kiss

That first kiss
The depth it went
The need for more
The want it fueled
From each other
For each other
We couldn't get enough

That first kiss
You pulled me in
Looking into my eyes
Caressing my sides
Just two friends
With a need for more of that first kiss

That first kiss
Fueling the desire for more
The spark it ignited
The connection it touched
Surprising each other with the want for more
The need for more
Willing to try
To see
Where it would lead
Just two friends

That first kiss
The want
The need
The pull we had to each other
For each other
Always finding our way to each other

That first kiss
That moonlit night
The stars aligned
For you
For me
For us

You gave me feelings deep within
Hidden away
A flutter
A slow eruption
Of warmth
Of like
Of lust
Of need
A possibility for love

That first kiss
So full of need
The need for more
The want
The want for more

That first kiss
Opened the door
The door to our hearts
To our love
The start of a friendship
A relationship
A bond

Just two friends
Two friends
Two friends
Willing to see where that kiss could go
That first kiss
That first moonlit kiss

That first kiss
I fell hard
I fell fast
For you
For you
For us
For that first kiss
For that first moonlit kiss

The more I got
The more I gave
The more I needed
The more you gave
The more you took
The more you needed
We took from each other
We craved each other
We claimed each other
Never enough of each other

Intertwining our lives together
Meshing a lust into a like
A need to never part
A need for more
A need for a never ending
A want for forever

That first kiss
That first kiss
You gave me yourself
So unselfishly
Letting me in
Into your depths
Into your heart

That first kiss
That first kiss
The like was never gonna be enough
We could never get enough
The pull
The need
The love was sparked for more of each other
For more of that first kiss
The love we needed from each other
Still that was never enough

Two hearts
Ready to explore each other
To go the depths of our souls
To give in
To surrender
To each other
To the love
To our love

That first kiss ignited a spark that exploded into a love
A desire
A need
A want
A passion

Your love
Your love
Your love
You made me feel something so deep
So real
So full
So warm

I didn't want to surrender my heart
Keep a fight up
But you never stopped
You kept showing up
Everyday I surrendered more of myself
More of my heart
To you
To us
For us

From lust
To like
To need
To love
To always
To always
To always

That first kiss
That first kiss
That first kiss
Under the trees
Under the stars
Under the moonlit night

Poetry for the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now