Your Flirty Bestfriend

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All credits to heizoudaily on twitter for the cover photo.

It's been a couple month since you've met Shikanoin Heizou and he's already made it onto your top 10 list of weirdest people.

The first day you met (his hangout event) he called you "dreamy"

"Dreamy?..." you repeated for the 3rd time thinking about the incident

"Aww are you calling me dreamy traveler?" The same sly smirk you always saw crept onto his face. He continued to smile at you and the gave you a playful wink.

"No you idiot" you said while covering your pink tinted ears.

"Aww man, I thought I finally got you to fall madly in love with me" he said winking again

"Never gonna happen" you said in a stoic tone

"Booooo!" He yelled while sticking his tongue out at you and giving you two big thumbs down

You rolled your eyes at him as you exited Komore Tea house, the place where you two were hanging out until you got lost in thought. Heizou quickly noticed that you walked away and swiftly caught up to you.

"I guess you were so mesmerized by my good looks that you had to leave before you fell too hard for me." He said while giving you a playful peace sign and smile

You once again rolled your eyes at him and continued walking.

"Heizou. Don't you have anything better to be doing-"



You stopped walking and just stood dumbfounded at the weird outburst.

"I hate you so much omg" you said finally walking the opposite direction just to avoid him

"Hey! You can't just leave without me! You know you love me traveler. If you didn't you would have just ghosted me by now"

You sighed, not just he was being especially more annoying than usual but because he was right. You did enjoy his presence, you liked his corny jokes, his smell of grass and cranberries, his funny looking face.

Heizou was the light you needed in your life, what made you get up in the morning and go outside. But you knew that he was just joking like he always does.

He's never EVER been serious about ANYTHING in years so you always knew his constant jokes and flirty gestures weren't serious.

"Traveler!" He yelled, snapping you out of you Heizou filled fantasy.

"What happened? Huh?" You said trying to pretend like nothing happened.

"Are you from Tennessee?" He said giggling

You knew that he was about to tell you a really bad pick up line, I mean you always knew when he was gonna tell you one. You weren't stupid, but you always went along with it.

"No?" You responded while tilting your head to really sell it.

He giggled even more after you said that and struggled to say the rest of the line beca of laughter.

"Because...because you're the only ten I see!" He said

He then continued to stop in his tracks just to laugh while holding on to his stomach. You thought they were all really unfunny but you loved to see the big bright smile on his face.

One he finally stopped laughing you and him continued your walk, "You know traveler you really are delicious looking. I could just eat you up" he said in a soft tone

You tried to cover you ears but he had already seen them and your red face.

"Oh~ Traveler do you perhaps like when I play with your heart like this? I didn't expect you'd get this much of a kick out of this!" He smiled even wider

You and Heizou had run into a field of cats and dogs when one of the cats kept grazing your foot.

"Aww your so cute! Yes you are, yes you are!" Heizou said while baby talking the puppies

"You know who's even cuter then you little puppy?" He said

You looked at him expecting him to say the cat that you now had in your lap

"I'm sorry little puppy, but traveler is really adorable! They're so cute that I could just kiss them all over" He said while giving the dog little air kisses

It took you a minute to comprehend what he had said but when it finally came to you, you couldn't help but blush.

Heizou had always been this way, always playing with your feelings and emotions just to get a reaction out of you.

"You can't just say things like that idiot, stop playing with my feelings..." you mumbled while petting the cat.

Heizou tilted his head in actual confusion, not in a joking way or trying to look innocent, He was actually confused.

After a while you and Heizou continued you walk but something was different, he hadn't said a word.

"Are you ok?-"

"What did you mean earlier!? When you said I was playing with your feelings?!" He yelled looking at you in the eyes

"...well I guess you're always flirting as a joke and stuff, it makes my heartbeat faster and stuff"

He kept making eyes contact which made you a bit uncomfortable, but you could see signs of a glimmer.

Before you knew it he had pinned you against a nearby wall, one hand behind your head and the other blocking you from leaving.

"Who told you I was joking...?"

896 words

Your flirty new friendWhere stories live. Discover now