The Trip

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"Mom you have to trust me I'll be find let me go," I was asking to go on a trip with my friends.
"No, your to young to go out with no parents," mom said, "now get into the car so we can go."

We were going to the mall to buy a new phone for me. My old phone was way out of style and the only way to keep my friends was to get the newest iPhone 6. I was happy I was getting a new phone anyways, but that didn't matter right now all I wanted was to go on the trip with my friends. "Mom I'm 18 I think I can handle myself If not I'd be dead by now by some drug my friends gave me."

"Another reason why your not going I don't know what will happen there now let's go get your phone I'm done with this for now," my mom half yelled looking around to make sure no one heard her.

Three weeks later

It was a day before my friends left for their, or should I say my, trip. I had a plan I was going to tell my parents I would go over to Rachel's for the summer but I was going on the trip to Blue Lake instead.Blue Lake was a town just on the East coast of Florida. It was a 4 hour drive away and we were going there mainly to get away from our parents. Shay, Dawn, Troian, and I were the girls going. Hint I said GIRLS. The boys were our boyfriends there was Dawns boyfriend Charlie.Troians boyfriend was Keegan. Shays boyfriend is Jc, and Kat, me, my boyfriend is Alex. We were going to hang out like normal adults would do, with out their parents, like go to the store by our selfs.

I was packing my tooth brush when my brother swung the door open and came into the room with his music blasting through the hole house. "Where are you going," he screamed over his metal music. I ignored him and kept packing. He finally paused his music and asked again. "Where are you going," he said in a more serious voice this time.

"I'm going to Rachel's house for the summer," I said trying to hide my smile because I knew he would know so I stuffed my face inside my bag. Surprisingly he just shrugged and walked away. I went down stairs and asked my mom if I could go. She said yes and I left with my bag got into my car and drove to Charlie's house.

I got to his house and he told me to put my things in his trunk. Troian and her boyfriend were the only ones not here. When they showed up they were almost asleep. when Troian got out of the car she said "we are not driving first we were up all night doing things in bed if you know what I mean."

"They don't need to know that babe," Keegan said. He smirked and kissed her. Shay was our fancy girly girl type of friend. I was the animal lover one and I only date guys that love animals and are blonds. Dawn is the dark evil-ish one. She likes dark music and is always wearing black. The only one to get her out of that stage is beer and Charlie. Troian was a mix of Shay and Dawn she wears kinda fancy closes but she likes listing to dark music.

"That's all right I'll drive first I was going to do that anyways." Charlie said as he opened the drivers door. "Get in were getting ready to go."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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