One By One

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Third Pov:

Griffin sat beside Taehyung

" Jimin-ah, so glad you invited us!" Jin smiles as he sat to down at his spot

Griffin just smile. Knowing it was a kind saying seeing Jin's expression, Taehyung sees this and clear his throat

" Jimin-Hyung just tired you guys, can we maybe skip practice tommorow?" Taehyung asked

That made the leader of BTS look at Taetae

" we can't really, we have a comeback and world tour in October" Namjoon answers

" I know it's just.. It be best because he'd been getting death threats" Taehyung lied

" again? But do the idiots already know Mochi perfect way he is?" Jungkook asked angry to some so call 'fans' that still doing this to Jimin

" you know how citizens react in Korea" Taehyung reminded the maknae

" it's up to Jimin. After all, his body" Namjoonn sighed

All six members look directly at Griffin who's in Jimin's body now. He glanced at everyone with confusion look, Taehyung mouth out ' you want to skip schedule today?', Griffin sees this and mouth out ' yes please'. Taehyung leaned over to Jimin and whisper how to answer in Korean and go back to his sitting position

" ye" Griffin answers surprisingly good

Namjoon nods to understand and looks at Taehyung

" why you whispered to Jimin?" the leader asked

Before Taehyung could answer Hoseok grinned

" you guys dating?!"

That made Taehyung eyes widen and quickly shook his head which confused Griffin

" I'm not!" Taehyung exclaimed, " c-can we go back to this now?"

" aw!" Hoseok kept teasing playfully

" don't tease the younger, Hobi" Yoon-gi said while eating

Griffin felt tired and wanted to lie his head on something but he thinks it'll be not polite in the Asian world, he try to keep his head up. Taehyung sees this and whisper in his ear

" you can rest your head" Taehyung said in English

Griffin blush a tiny bit but not enough to notice. Without thinking Griffin lay his head on Tae's shoulder and think in his head how he'll go back to normal life


Hannah Pov:

My sister came down to check on his few times. I said we're good but she kept coming in every few minutes

" I'm telling you sis, I'm alright!" I finally shouted with annoyance

She sighs

" fine, I'll stop bothering your date" she winks and quickly run away while closing the door

That little bitch..

I hear Jimin laugh which made mw whipped my head to him

" what the hell you laughing at?" I glared

" didn't know friends could date" Jimin answers

I mock his laughing and stop few minutes later

" your in a normal teenage boy body right now. I don't really have to be polite right now" I said

" maybe you should when I DO come back to my body, I have fans all over the world who will take my side if I say a little girl been mean to me" Jimin smirked

" for someone who's short in the group can be a real dick in the ass" I shot back

" watch your language little girl!" Jimin scolded

" I ain't little girl! I'm fucking 16!" I exclaimed

" really? Thought your thirteen because of your height" Jimin smirked

" oh really? I thought you were a girl in a all boy bamd" I shot back

He rolls his eyes with a smile

" tell me.. Who's your bias?" Jimin suddenly asked

My cheeks suddenly blushed

" m-my favorite?" I asked, Jimin nods, " n-no one"

" I see you blushing! Who the hell is it?!" Jimin grinned

I bit my lips and turn my head away

" Suga, Jungkook and.. You"

I remove a string of hair from my face to see Jimin just blink, I stood up and sigh

" and this is why I don't date" I folded my arms to my chest

" w-wait. You really have a fave or crush on me?" Jimin asked surprised

" surprise! You just got the news today, you win a money of nothing!" I sassed

Jimin roll his eyes

" wow, being rude to your bias" Jimin said

I sigh and sat back down, I got my phone out to see I got any text from Griffin but nothing. I than got a text from his parents though

Childhood's friend dad: are Griffin your house? If he is, can you tell him to text me about it before hand?

I texted back and look at Jimin who's looking at the black screen tv for some reason, I tap on his shoulder which made him face me

" text the father" I informed

He nods and text the dad what I want him to text, after that he went back home and I lay on my bed and sigh


Third Pov:

After dinner the guys cleaned up, Griffin of course helped because it'll be too much trouble not to do it. After they cleaned up Griffin about to walk to his room but Taehyung stops him

" dance practice" Taehyung whispered in English

Griffin's eyes widen and quickly shook his head, before anyone of them spoke Namjoon came up to them

" we have dance practice now, the boys will meet you up the limo but lemme speak with Jimin alone" Namjoon informed

" alone? Why not I be here" Taehyung said little worried for Griffin to be alone without a translator

" Taetae.." Namjoon glared

Taehyung held his head back of annoyance and walks away. When Namjoon sees Taehyung is gone, he quickly looks at Jimin and push him against the wall with hard force which made Griffin shock of his strength

" who are you?" Namjoon asked

Griffin just struggle trying to break free of not understanding the word the leader said

" answer me!" Namjoon shouted

That made Griffin stop struggling to look at Namjoon's expression. The glare he's giving just gives Griffin chills down his spine and all over, he exhaled

" l-let me go" Griffin managed to speak

Namjoon the inside was confused. Jimin magically now good at English? This can't be right, but he thought of speaking English to this guy will give him the answer he wants

" tell me who you are and where's Jimin" Namjoon repeated in English

" y-you promise not to tell anyone! Well.. V already knows" Griffin said

" I don't make promises" Namjoon answers

" I'll explain after practice" Griffin said

Namjoon let's go of the boy and take his arm little harshly

" you better, or you won't like what things coming to you" Namjoon said with a stern look

With that the two got into the limo. If you didn't see, Griffin gulp when hearing what the leader said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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