Another U

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I was shock. No, more than that. I was starstruck, a BTS member in my childhood bff body?!.

" i-it's impossible" I said with disblief

" than answer me this. Why did I have to ask some peers with you of your teacher's lessons?" Griffin said

I blink at him

" t-than when did you guys debut? The EXACT TIMIMG!"

" June 13th, 2013" Griffin answers

" w-what was your debut song?"

" no more dream"

" who's the youngest members"

" Taetae, Kookie and me"

" who's the-"

He cover my mouth with one of his hands

" you done testing me little girl?" Griffin asked a little annoyed

I slap his hand away

" just one more question alright? When was your first tour" I said

Griffin rolled his eyes and sigh

" will it make you shut up?" Griffin asked, I nodded, " the year 2014"

I blink at my friend.. No. Jimin, I opened my mouth to scream but he immediately cover my mouth

" I know this'll happen.. You better stay calm of this, alright? Um.. Your name?" he asked

I muffled but realized he still covering my mouth, I remove his hand

" Hannah" I answers

He nods

" alright.. Hannah. I'll give you my phone number so you can connect to your friend " Jimin said as he pulled out my phone from my sweater pocket

Omg, did he really just said that?!.

My heart was beating fast when he keep getting glance at me while typing his number in my contects

" alright, now call" Jimin said as he gives me my phone back, I quickly snatched it and call my childhood friend


Griffin Pov:

I woke up to this deep voice knocking on my door. I couldn't understand what they were saying so I just groaned tired and sat up on my bed. I flinched when the door been opened wide with this actually pretty good looking guy. He says something to me which I don't understand but I know it's not English but an Asian language. Is it japanese? I can speak basic words

" a-asa" I said in japanese

He looks at me like I'm from out of earth. He spoke again but now I know it's not japanese, it sounds.. Got dang it Korean! Uh.. The only thing I learned was thank you! I got snap out of thoughts when the guy sat beside me and shake me to get back to reality

" s-stop shaking!" I shouted

He stops but look speechless, he tilted his head and speak but in Korean

Oh. I messed up big time, I don't even know it's my fault!.

I put my knees to my chest and rock back and forth of sweat coming out

" Hyung..." the guy said

Hyung.. That means someone older than you in Korea! I study a little at least!.

He spoke again but with a worry expression, I try to process what he said but it got me even more stress. I just shook my head and sigh

" I-I don't understand" I finally spoke

The Unexpected: [ Body Swap ] BTS Where stories live. Discover now