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Lucy had her face pinned to the window as their car rumbled into the longest tree-lined driveway in existence; like a cat-walk laden with flowers, cooling clouds, gentle breezes, expensive horses, curious bunnies, late October's amber trees, and the air of a royal painting. And for it, they all misted the windows with every breath, even the driver, but her desire was more intense. Her nose thinned on the glass, her breath held, and with darting eyes she did her best to take in every visible inch of the magnificent castle in the end.

Further up, a little to the right and casting quite the imposing shadow, was the largest castle ever built. Its grace and scale was in no way diminished by the mountain it sat on. A mountain they were surprised to note that while not large, nor snow-capped, appeared more like a deep tropic jungle with trees that must have been dared to touch the sky. This imposing view all belonged to the wealthiest family in the world capable of buying entire continents on a whim; reverentially known as 'The Markus Family'. And their home was also the staging ground for the world's most extravagant party, 'The Markus Party'. Where royals, world leaders, delegates, dictators, prodigies, maestros, pioneers, artists, moguls, models, got to swirl their drinks in each other's arms while in the midst of them would be this family of unrivaled power.

How could she not nearly disfigure her nose with expectation, breathing the castle's strange aura as it got closer and closer? The driver practically pulled off his shoe to jam it perilously on the gear pedal while he bent over the staring wheel to look. The two in the back nearly falling through their windows trying to dangle one hand on the roof of the car. But even with this, her need was more intense. In a brief moment she turned shyly, careful not to be spotted, to look at the other occupants in the car. Spurred by her gaze, for different reasons, they all faced her at the same time mirroring her happy smile. They still watched her as she turned back to face the road, and this is why she was the only one who saw it.

They had just entered the golden shade of the castle into a parking area, and right before them was a small iron gate buffeted by thick stone walls that circled the castle grounds. After this was a blooming rose garden with a path in the middle that led in. Right in the middle of the gate and the rose path were two statues and Lucy had seen them move. The male was certainly talking, and the female had lifted up a finger to point at them. Her smile faded, her brows furrowed and she thinned back into her seat just as their car came to a sudden stop. There was plenty of space outside this little gate to park and the driver expertly found the nearest spot to the gate. Although the word nearest was being ambitious seeing how much distance still lay between them and the castle doors. In seconds the parking lot was filled by others driving up behind them. A long procession of about thirty cars that, in mad haste, drove in bumper to bumper. Minor collisions be damned.

Lucy jumped out and raced to the gate to see the statues.

"Hey Lucy. You've forgotten your luggage." Ian called and pointed a lazy finger at the pink suitcase still visible through the back window. The others started pulling their luggage out, doing a brilliant job of ignoring hers.

"Please bring it for me." She beamed at him and tilted her head to plead.

"He can't. It's your luggage. It's your lot." Jasmine shouted and a disappointed Lucy started marching back.

"What caught your eye?" Peter asked and everyone turned to hear.

Lucy danced on the spot, a playful smile appearing and disappearing as she thought of how to phrase it. "I think I saw the statues move."

Peter started out slowly, but he was soon bent over laughing. Everyone else was one second behind him, all the way back to those yet to alight and pull out their trunks. The words passed on were, 'Lucy saw the statues move,' and it caused a minor uproar.

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