"When things get crazy, don't push me away"
Those were the last words Lucas said to Will before the accident happened.
Will is on the floor, violently shaking. Lucas can't stop the shaking. Why is Will shaking? Is Will possessed again. That can't be possible!
"Will wake up!" Lucas screamed at Will. His throat is burning, aching for air. But he will not stop. He needs Will to wake up.
"Please i need you! Will!"
Joyce, Hopper, and El walk through the door in shock.
"Help me!" Lucas yells at them.
They all rush over to help Lucas, El stops to go call the cops. She started to cry into the phone, the fear of losing her brother right in front of her eyes is something she'd never want to imagine.
Lucas is screaming, sobbing, begging for Will to wake up. It's no use.
Wills shakes calm down almost instantly.
Lucas starts smiling. "Will! Are you okay?"
That's when he noticed.
He's not breathing. His eyes are closed. And his mouth is a bit open.
He's dead.
Lucas screams out of pear horror as Hopper holds joyce in his arms to calm him down.
El runs to Lucas and hugs him. Lucas is going into a panic attack. El is trying to calm him down.
That's what happened. The accident.
Lucas never got to tell Will how much he loved him. And he never will get the chance to.
There he is; Standing over Wills' grave. He still can't grasp the feeling that the love of his life... is dead.
What did he do to deserve this? Nothing. He did nothing.
Lucas is looking over at Wills' grave. He's holding Wills' old DND costume.
He'll never forget the look on Jonathan's face when Lucas tells jonathan that his baby brother is dead, the person he loved the most. They both loved Will so much. They both couldn't live with out him. But i guess they will have to deal with it now.
Lucas goes to his grave, every. single day. It's been a year. And he won't stop. Everyone moved on, the party, Joyce, El, Hopper, even Jonathan learned it was best to move on. But not Lucas. He will never forget the way Wills' body looked when he was on the floor, eyes rolled back, mouth open trying to gasp for air but couldn't, and his body rapidly shaking.
He's traumatized. He loved him. But now he will never get the chance to tell him.
Lucas sits on the grass and immediately starts crying. He's feeling guilt, frustrated, that he couldn't save Will.
He will never recover from this.
All their memories. Gone.
Just like that.
"I'll love you always. William Byers."
Byclair Oneshots - Stranger Things