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"Where to!?" Lucy turned too quickly to face him, tittering and off balance, the question nearly exploded out of her mouth. So many places came to mind, and she found the thought strangely exciting. The intoxicating implication of which her voice betrayed.

"I have assigned groups of post-pubescent strangers to work round my property. It's all rather maddening to say the least, especially my need to ensure they don't damage anything invaluable. But I haven't the time. That is where you came in. You will follow me around noting how I check their progress, how I caution them about the rules, or any damage done. Soon you will be doing these runs by yourself and reporting back to me anything in or out of order." Louis expressed himself like a master at a symposium. He then paused to look at her again, seemingly surprised by her question and the strange tone to her giggle. "So, follow me!"

They were out the hall and walking back upwards and into other areas with a clear distance between them. Lucy was behind him, fighting the urge to stare at his back while keeping up with his fast pace. It was like his closeness had brought a change in her mood from baffling fear to even more baffling interest. It was almost like last night when he stood behind her, and... But...that didn't happen. It didn't happen. She repeated her mantra and set her mind to think like Jasmine would. Memorize a path, memorize a routine, memorize, memorize; and with that she focused more on her surroundings. They rounded spaces she hadn't been to yet and that surely were not in the maps they were given. This part of the castle looked surprisingly clean, like it had been waxed just days before. She found herself admiring the beauty of it, the marble staircases, the numerous candelabras, the gold linings, the painted ceilings, the glittering chandeliers, the hoity-toity decorations, the vases, silvers, diamonds, and gold, and all the polished wood. It was far too enchanting and smelled like a dream. Clearly this was a more luxurious corner of castle, when compared to the 'common' place they'd been set up.

Lucy was looking around so much she didn't notice Louis begin walking down a ten-step staircase. Her eyes wide, her mouth agape at the murals drawn masterfully on the high ceiling. Without warning she slipped on the marble and was thrown forward. Louis heard the sound and turned around just in time to catch her, but not fast enough to catch himself. He was thrown off balance and they both went tumbling down the steps. Lucy heard something pop when she came to a stop on top of him. He was in visible pain, and she stood up so quickly that she caused another tumble. With more dexterity than he'd shown just a moment before Louis was on his feet in seconds, pulling her up. Nothing of his grace or power was lessened by the clumsy fall. His wrist was a problem though. A slight pop he had to reset, and Lucy's repeated apologies didn't help much; it just made him angrier. He reached for it gently with his other hand and twisted it. The second pop brought some relief to both of them. "From now on keep ten feet away." Louis commanded. It was clear he wasn't used to all this absurdity. Lucy nodded and apologized again before they continued on their way. She found herself wondering at something odd.

When they came to a large pair of doors Lucy was caught off guard again. No, she didn't fall. She just didn't expect it when the doors opened out into the gardens. It was so abrupt a change from mural ceilings to blue sky that she had to look back to be sure. Before them, in nearly every visible corner, she could see most of the interns already going about their work. They were meant to decorate and line up the castle colors in preparation for the party. At the gardens it meant bringing out fairy lights, pouring some sort of perfumed manure onto the flower beds, yellow tents being built up, tables and chairs arranged, marble paths swept, statues washed, and the whole place getting a thorough clean.

Once the two started down the steps into the garden Lucy tried to pinpoint her exact location on the castle grounds. To the south through the trees, she saw the lines of cars parked but she couldn't see the little gate or that entrance. The north held the main entrance, but she couldn't see it either. The other side of the castle was still a mystery, not to mention the joining mansions. The western entrance they'd just used was much lovelier than the southern one. It had a path lined with white roses and the most artful looking statues. It was the longest path she'd seen so far and had other little paths crisscrossing here and there. They led, in some haphazard way, to neatly grassed spaces where the tents were being set up, to grand gazebos, to paved circular rest stops with statues or sundials, and even to taps and fountains. The yellow and red trees, decorated special for the garden, wrapped the whole field with a wonderful shade. It was all so splendid, and Lucy didn't realize she'd stood still to admire it all. When she looked for him, her lead was nearly thirty steps away.

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