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Man sitting in front of Om interrupts his thought:- Sir I really don't know anything besides what I have already told you.

Om:- So you are saying Shivaay was trying to find out the truth behind Kalyani mill. He was blackmailed by Svetlana with a video tape in which Mr. Oberoi was lightning a lighter and then Kalyani mill was lit to fire but Shivaay believed that someone has tampered with the video, that someone might be Swetlana herself, as to blame and defame Oberoi's because she wants revenge for she beileves that Oberoi's were responsible for her father's death. Khanna then Shivaay should have told this to us. Why he has to accept Svetlana condition? Moreover for Mr. Oberoi, the person who outsed him from his own home, to protect such person he left? I don't understand how can he still trust Mr. Oberoi after knowing what kind of person he is and what he is capable of.

Leave it, what is now important is finding the whole truth. There are some things that I myself found in these last years although they aren't much considering I was outside India and it was difficult to get things done without using Oberoi's name but at least it kept me hopeful. Hopeful to provide justice to my Shivay.

Khanna remember, the fact that we are searching about Kalyani mill incident other than the two of us, no one should find out especially Rudra. For the time being it is better that only we both searches for the truth lest our elders are really involved in this incident. I don't want Rudra to hurt himself in the process of finding the truth.

Khanna:- Om sir, don't worry. Rudra sir wouldn't find out about our discussion unless we tell him ourself but sir do you really believe that Shivaay sir is alive? I mean if he is really alive and hiding then why didn't he took me with him after all I am his security head. How can he choose to disappear without telling me?

Om (founding it funny) says sarcastically- "you are right Khanna, how can Shivay do such a thing, instead of bhabhi you should have a accompained him right?

Khanna (smiling, reminscing the past):- No, Shivaay sir loves Anika mam too much to leave her alone. I am sure that they would still be fighting every day but still be loving each other in the end.

In hotel in Jodhpur,

Anika:- Shivaay are you done then please help with my suitcase see it's not getting closed.

Shivaay in disbelief looks toward suitcase, where clothes are half hanging outside and looking like a heap of unorganised clothes:- Ani, how many times I have told you to learn to organise your clothes when packing but you never listen. Ok leave it, I will do it. You go and see your laddu, he must have made a mess in the bathroom.

Anika(on hearing this keep a hand on her head and says:- Oh No! Ansh and water disastrous combination and she hurries into bathroom.

Shivay (laughing at her animated expression):- Careful! floor must be slippry and then he hears Anika's scolding and Ansh squealing.

Shivaay( thinking):- Tomorrow we will be in Goa and most likely in London two days after. I just hope everything goes as planned that person who ever he is, I am sure he must be trying his best to find us. Although I had tighten the security around us and given orders to find information of that man who had hired private investigators on us. I will only feel relieved once I had reached London safely with my family.

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