chapter 1

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- mordern highschool au lol
- as we know, Ajax is Childe's real name.

It was after school hours, the sky was getting gloomier and gloomier, minute by minute. The class were voting for the school class theme festival. The school theme festival was introduced to let the student's imaginations go wide. Zhongli was sitting in his noisy classroom staring at the gloomy sky. He was so bored of this voting session, plus the class needs to prepare for the festival by tomorrow night. The themes that Zhongli's class were deciding on were maid cafe, concert band or a haunted house. He wasn't interested to join in-class activities but was interested in the man beside him. He just wanted to spend time with him, who sits beside his desk in most of Zhongli's classes.

"And it's a tie again!" the class president shouted. Most people realised that Zhongli didn't raise his hands for the votes, but the class were patient with him since he was the class prince. For the 27th voting, Zhongli decided to raise his hand, he just got so annoyed with the voting. He wanted to stop this debate. When the class president mentioned maid cafe, he finally raised his hand without hesitation.

Ajax: Wait.. are you serious? The maid cafe?

Zhongli: Um, yeah. I don't like loud music or scare myself. Plus, we don't have any other choices.

Ajax: *chuckles* *rests his head on his hand while looking at Zhongli*

Zhongli: I mean, what I said is true right?

Ajax: *wheezes* You look so cute when you tell the truth.

Zhongli: *blushes*

Zhongli and Ajax were having their quiet (sweet romance idk) talk with each other. The whole class knew they both were in a relationship with each other. They all accepted it and it was the maid cafe.

"The maid cafe it is!"

The whole class was in excitement and started to prepare for the school festival since it was compulsory to win points for their class. Ajax was walking to his bag to get his wallet.

Zhongli: Um, are you buying materials? Do we not have enough materials here?

Ajax: Yes, you can follow me. We can get ice cream together if you want. <3

Zhongli: I might as well follow you then.

The class liked them being a couple.

Both Ajax and Zhongli walked out of the classroom and outside of their school to go to the closest material market they could locate.

Zhongli: There's going to be some fireworks for some community celebration going on...

Ajax: Oh, and you want to watch it together? :)

Zhongli: Yes. You've read my mind. (!!)

After they bought ice cream, they also bought the materials together with their ice cream.

*a child runs towards both of them*

????: Hey Zhongli!!

Zhongli: Hi Teucer.

Teucer: (looks at Ajax) Hey brother Ajax!!

Teucer: Why aren't you home yet brother?

Ajax: Oh, it's a school matter. I will be back later ok?

Teucer: Oh ok! Make sure you're not lying or making out with Zhongli ok?!

Ajax: Hehe... Of course, I won't lie. (Ajax smirks at Zhongli)

Teucer: Mom's going to scoop up all my excuses for YOU! So you better, brother!!

Ajax: All righty, now shoo, I wanna have some time with Zhongli now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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zhongchi fanfic i wrote in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now