Chapter 12

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Jeff's P.O.V
I sat in my room. My nose brase thing is off, it's been 3 weeks since I ran into that rock. My nose is still swellen, and hurts... I got grounded for a week for being late. And that's about it. The door bell rang, and I heard talking down stairs. "He's upstairs" mom said to whoever was down stairs. I layed my head back on my pillow knowing it wasn't for me. My only friend here is Sebastian. I heard someone walking up the stairs and I looked over at Riker to see him writing in a notebook. There was a knock on our bedroom door. "It's for you." I stated, flopping onto my stomach and carefully hiding my face in my pillow. I heard Riker stand up and walk to the door opening it. "Uh hi do I know you?" Riker asked. "Jeff it's me." A voice said sadly... Wait I know that voice anywhere... It's Nick's voice! "I'm not Jeff... I'm-" what what do you mean your not Jeff?? What has this family done to you?! If you being held captive blink twice..." Nick interrupted Riker. I laughed when he whispered the last part to him. "Nick that's my twin brother Riker." I laughed flopping over again and sitting up. "Ohhhh hello Riker. I'm Nicholas Duval, pleased to meet you." Nick said holding out his hand, waiting for Riker to shake it. I laughed as Riker gave me a strange look, then shook his hand. "Yeah nice to meet you too." Riker said awkwardly. "Listen I'm- uh gonna go help- Rydel uh paint her nails!" Riker smiled nervously, then walked out leaving Nick and I alone. "Is he okay?" Nick asked taking a seat next to me. "Oh him yeah. He's alright." I laughed. We continued talking.

Riker's P.O.V
I ran down the hallway and into Rydel's room. She glanced up at me and saw how tired I looked "Was the monster from under your bed back?" She asked with a giggle. "No and I was 4. When are you gonna let that go?!" I grumbled sitting beside her. "So what is wrong?" She asked placing her laptop on her nightstand. "Jeff has one of his school friends visiting and he's all proper and loopy." I started. "Ooo maybe they are talking about some of the other boys! We should listen!" She gasped excitedly. "Are you really gonna do that to him?" I asked leaning against he pillow. "No, we are!" She smiled pulling me up and out the door by my arm. "I don't wanna do this." I murmured. Only to be sushed. We sat outside my bedroom door with our ears pressed up against the door. "Is he okay?" I heard. "Oh him yeah. He's alright." Are they talking about... Me? How rude! "I missed you." Somebody said. "I missed you too." Said the other. "What are you guys doing?" Rydel and I both jumped back from the door and saw Ryland a bag of potato chips in his hand. "SHHH! We're listening to Jeff and his friends." Rydel whispered placing her ear back on the door. I nodded with a shrug and placed my ear up against the door again as well. "Wow that seems like a lot more fun than watching TV, can I join?" Ryland asked dropping to his knees by the door. We both shrugged and he pressed his ear to the door too. "So what's it like going from a single child to being one of six?" Asked Nick. "Uh well it's a lot louder... There are many more days to hear about at dinner, we get into more trouble... But I wouldn't change it for the world." Jeff answered. We all whispered awwed. "What are you guys awwing about?" We all jumped again, "We're eavesdropping on Jeff and his friend and he's talking about us!" Ryland answered quietly. "I'm in!" Rocky said. We placed our ears against the door. We listened to there conversation for a while, "Jeff I'm sorry... I have to leave, it was nice catching up, you, Web Blaine and I should all hang out some time." We heard Nick suggest. "That sounds like fun and this has been very fun." Jeff answered. We heard them stand up. "Let me walk you downstairs." Jeff insisted. We all ran downstairs and hopped over the couch landing on it... Well except Rocky he jumped too far and now he's laying on the ground. From the position I was sitting at I could see the front door clearly. Also the bottom of the stairs. I saw Nick and Jeff walk down the stairs, and to the door. They hugged and bid their farewells. Nick left and Jeff walked into the kitchen. He returned moments later with two pain pulls in his hand and a glass of water. "I can't heileve you guys." He sighed before walking up the stairs and slamming the door as quietly as he can angerly. "What... But huh?" Rocky asked confused. "What have we done?" I asked the group but mainly asking myself. "H-how did he know Ryland asked. We all shrugged.

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