Chapter 22

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Cruise life has been amazing. It had been fun being trapped miles away from land with my family. We really got to know one another on the cruise, and I was quite sad knowing that in two days, all this closeness we'd experienced would be wiped away with concerts, tours, and movie/TV show appearances. 

"JEFFRY! COME ON!" I heard Seb shout on the other side of Riker and I's door. 

"Calm down," Blaine laughed in a hushed tone, "We've only rented for so long!" I laughed at my two best friends, jumping from my bed and pulling the door open. 

"Where's Kurt?" I asked, noticing the absence of the fashionista. 

"He's Skyping Rachel and Mercedes." Blaine answered shrugging his shoulders, "I think he wanted us to enjoy the last few days Warbler style." We laughed. Kurt was such a sweet little diva. 

"Lets gooooo......" Seb whined dramatically. I really enjoyed Sebastian's actual personality. The personality he did at Warbler practices and outings was an act. He has a tough outer ring, but once you crack him he's a softy sass queen. Blaine and I trailed a few steps behind Seb. He was really excited to have us all dance again. It had been months. We made it to the concert hall, noting was really set up, as they didn't start set up until 4:00pm. It was 12:04pm currently and we were all antsy to dust off our moves. 

"What should we start with? Glad You Came? Live While We're Young?" Seb questioned, stretching a little bit. 

"Maybe we should start with warm ups?" I suggested. It was tradition, vocal and body warm ups. We never went on stage or even practiced without it, in fear we'd hurt our voices or break something. They both nodded and we quickly started with vocal warm ups. This included the scales, and we each took a quite bad attempt at beat-boxing. After that we stretched, and prepared. 

"I kinda wanna do Glad You Came, it's been a while." Blaine explained. I nodded. 

"We don't have all the background vocals though," Seb reminded. 

"Well, I have some of it saved on my phone. Riker took it while we did our last performance I think," I mumbled, slipping my phone from my pocket and scrolling through my photos and videos. A lot of them were taken by my siblings of nothing important. "There," I clicked the Glad You Came one, and the beat erupted in the room- echoing off the walls. We smirked at eachother before joining into the recorded version. 

"The sun goes down,"

"The stars come up!"

"And all that counts,"

"Is here and now,"

"My universe will never be the same,"

"I'M GLAD YOU CAME!" We all chorused, 

"You cast a spell on me," Seb started, "Spell on me," Blaine and I backed him up. 

"You hit me like the sky fell on me," I belted, "fell on me," Blaine and Seb beamed. 

"And I've decided you well on me," Seb continued, "well on me!" I laughed as Blaine started the moved. 


"Turn the lights out now, now I'll take you by the hand, hand you another drink, drink it if you can, can you spend a little time, time is wasting away, away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came!" We started the synchronized dance moves at this point and continued the song. By the end we were all panting, it had been a while since we'd done it. 

"Live While We're Young?" I asked with a sly smile.


"Where have you been?" Riker looked up from his phone as I opened the door. 

"It's none of your concern." I told him, looking anywhere but at him. I was still pretty pissed off about him kissing Nick. How could he do that? 

"How long are you gonna be mad at me? I told you! He kissed m-"

"I don't care." I said loudly, causing him to stop mid-sentence. 

"Did he tell you I kissed him?" 

"I haven't talked to him- and I shouldn't be talking to you." I said blankly. Riker rolled his eyes.

"Mom said we're having a family dinner at 6." He told me, returning his gaze to his phone. He was clearly frustrated with my stubbornness. 

"Whatever." I mumbled, walking out the door. Gosh, he can irritate me. I just kept walking. Until I ended up leaning against a rail, looking down at the deep blue water. I found this very relaxing. The second day on the ship, I had found this place- It was just so peaceful, and people don't really go near the rails as there's a possibility of falling into the water. I'd just contemplate what my life had turned into. This time last year I was as happy as could be- a great school, the love and affection of whom I believed was my mother... Amazing friends, an adorable best friend, a singing hobby, top of my classes..... but now I'm just another Lynch kid. I don't have any memories of growing up with this amazing family, I won't see my face in the old family films, I'll never be part of the family band, I'll always be the outsider... I'm not even original, I'm just a duplicate of Riker. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I didn't feel like answering, but when it buzzed again with a second text, I shuffled it out of my pocket. 

Dude Where are you? -Ross

Come on man, you're 20 minutes late! -Ryland

I was kind of surprised Riker hadn't texted me... he must be pissed at me now too. I loosened my grip on the rail and walked back in through the door. The halls were pretty quiet- considering it was dinner time now and everyone was in the restaurants or buffet. I quickly walked to the restaurant we were eating at and took my seat in the last empty chair at our table for 9. Everyone's eyes were on me, and I huffed as I took a seat. I wasn't exactly hungry, so I ordered a small sandwich. 

"Jeff, sweetie, why are you late?" Mom asked. 

"I got caught up with the time.." I mumbled, swirling my straw around my up of water. I could feel everyone's eyes remain on me- but they all resumed conversations after a few seconds. I basically stared down at my lap for the whole dinner. No one made any comments about it- nor the fact I didn't touch my sandwich at all. The waitress however, send me a questioning look when the sandwich had been touched. At least someone cares about me...

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