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You tried your best to get to Beverly's apartament as quick as possible.
She had rang all the Losers to come over,because apparently something had happened.
You got there at the same time as the others,not a second late.
"Hot stuff!" Richie walked towards you,with his arms waving in the air.
"Hey trashmouth." You waved.
You said hi to all the others and Beverly rushed down.
"You made it. I... I need to show you something.." her voice trembled.
"What's up Bev?" You asked.
"Is it more than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie goofed.
Eddie yelled at him while the others had a serious look on their faces.
Richie looked down,and nodded for Beverly to keep talking.
"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartament." Beverly shivered.
"Then we'll leave a lookout. Richie,stay here." Bill said.
All the losers except you and Richie left.
"I'll go check what's up and I'll be back,okay?" You assured Richie.
He smiled and nodded.
You rushed at the losers before they could get up the stairs.
"So,you decided to abandon your boyfriend?" Stan smirked.
"He's not my boyfriend Stan,and no I'm not leaving him,I'll just be checking out what's so bad about this." You said,turning your head away,to hide your blush.
Stan just made a 'mhm' sound,a sarcastic one.
After you entered Beverly's house,the smell of blood immediately flooded your scent.
"Is it just me who smells blood?" You asked.
Everyone agreed that they smelled the blood too.
As you all walked towards the bathroom,Eddie started rambling about death and diseases.
You pushed the door open with your foot,to see the whole bathroom coated in a very bright red.
The blood didn't even get a chance to dry,probably because of the quantity.
You gagged,kneeling down the toilet,and throwing up.
Not caring if there was blood everywhere.
"I think it's best you sit this one out Y/N,you look...you get what I mean." Beverly sighed.
"Yeah,I'll be with Richie outside."You clutched onto your stomach with your hands,both having blood on your palms,and knees.
You walked towards where Richie was before,to see him laying down in a starfish position,with his eyes closed.
You walked towards him and leaned in,making a shadow over his face,wich caused him to open his eyes.
"Finally,it felt like I was waiting for hours,also I think your period started." Richie said,pointing to your palms and knees.
"Yeah definetly,blood comes out my knees every month." You joked.
You sat next to him,and he layed his head on your lap.
"I can put my head here,right?" He asked.
"You're already doing that,so why not." You shrugged.
You both had some small talk for a while.
"Hey what did you see at Beverly's?" He asked,looking up to face you.
"Well,the bathroom was coated in blood. That's it." You said.
Richie chuckled.
"Funny how we were talking about periods and now I just find out the bathroom was coated in blood." He said smiling.
You nodded,smiling.
You two layed like that until the Losers came back.
They were holding multiple bags if trash,which were probably from cleaning up.
You then noticed Bill,Beverly and Ben were missing from the group.
"Where are the other three?" You asked.
"Probably sucking face in the bathroom,who knows." Richie said rolling over on his side.
You continued playing with his hair.
After a while the other three came outside,and you all got on your bikes,riding in a group,with Richie circling you.
"No,I love being your personal doorman,really." He said.
"Could you idiots have taken any longer?" He added.
"All right shut up Richie." Eddie groaned.
"Yeah,seemed like you really enjoyed spending time with Y/N!" Stan chuckled.
"Okay,trash the trashmouth, I get it. Also I did enjoy my time with hot stuff." He said,speeding up the pace if his loops around the group.
"Hey,I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween." Richie joked.
"She didn't imagine it. I..I saw something, too.." Bill mumbled.
Everyone stopped and looked at Bill.
"You saw blood too?" Stan asked.
"Not blood..I saw G...G-Geor-Georgie..It seemed so real.."
Bill stopped and inhaled.

(Fav line coming up in a few secs ;) )
"But there was this..this-"
"Clown. Yeah,I saw him too." Eddie said.
"Yeah me too,that day when we met Ben.." You sighed.
Everyone nodded.

"Wait,can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie asked,in an attempt to cheer everyone up.
"Bold of you to assume that I still have my V-Card." You shrugged.
Everyone gave eachother looks.
"And I oop-" Beverly said,smiling.
Just then,you heard yelling.
"Oh shit,that's Belch Huggins car." Eddie said.
"And isn't that the homeschool's bike?" You asked.
"We have to help him!" Beverly and the others dropped their bikes.
"We do?" Richie asked.
"Yes Richie,now hurry that ass of yours up!" You yelled,making him follow you.
"Fuck,we're so dead..."


Hi ^^
Yes I know I haven't updated in a long time,I needed some time to figure the plot,and since it's summer vacation,I'll be updating more.
Also I've decided that I won't be inserting the reader in It chapter 2,I'll probably make a separate book for that,or just do it in one chapter.
But It chapter one will be featured in here! And just so you all know,you guys are in for a real treat 🙂


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