Daughter of the commander and Usj

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As a week past the crew made it to Japan and had their own housing each. The crew got a text from nezu 3 days later about the USJ that was under attack so they went (without the tank) and went to go save them. As they made it they see a bird like creature beating down Aizawa and Izuku splitter the girls up and he went to take on the bird like creature.

Aizawa: damnit this thing is to damn stronger.

As the Nomu was about to give the final blow it was met by fire hitting it in its face including his brain and Aizawa saw Izuku who hands was smoking from the fire that he used.

Aizawa: who are you

Izuku: can't believe that you forgot your own nephew

Aizawa: I-Izuku I thought you would had died in the war.

Izuku: I cannot be killed especially if I ride a tiger tank.

Aizawa(Tiger tank?)

With Margit

As Margit went to where Momo Jirou an Denki was at she seen that the boy had overused his quirk and both of the girls where about to get raped by the villains.

Margit:(Amateurs think raping is a good idea)

When Margit saw momo she see that that's her tank commander wife as she shot the villains dead making them more scared and she went up to them.

Margit:*looks at momo* Also diene Frau von mienme Panzerkommandanten (so your my Tank commander wife huh?)

Momo looked at her of what she mean by that and spoke German back.

Momo: Was meinst du damit, dass ich die Frau deines Panzerkommandanten bin? (What do you mean by that I'm your tank commander wife)

Margit: Du wirst bald sehen, komm mit mir ( you will see come with me)

Jirou: ask her does she speak Japanese

Momo: Sprichst du Japanisch(do you speak Japanese)

Margit: yes I do

Jirou: then what country was you speaking?

Momo: German but I still don't get why you say that.

Margit: because you will understand when you see HIM.

Jirou: him?

Momo: we will find out don't worry if she's telling us not to worry.

As they made it back to the main area almost everyone saw the bird like creature on the ground dead and bleeding out some was horrified by the scene and All might came busting in and tried to fight Izuku who literally dodged every punch All might was throwing and All might went out of breathe.

All might: how are you dodging my attacks you should've gotten yourself hit.

Izuku: sorry about that sir when I fight I don't allow them to hit me willing your slow and soft.


As he was about to launch himself Thelma put a gun to his head.

Thelma: Wagen Sie es nicht, sich zu bewegen, ich werde Ihnen das Gehirn ausblasen (don't you dare fucking move I will blow your brains out)

Mina: um what did she say

Izuku: if he moves she will blow his brains out Thelma we are in Japan you can speak Japanese alright.

Thelma: Jawohl (Yessir)

As she put her weapon back the rest of the hero's came.

Nezu: I see Mr.Frederick and his crew came and saved the day please let's go back to UA and tell them who you really are.

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