Chapter 5

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If someone had told Camden this morning that she'd spend her afternoon sitting on the bleachers talking to Daya, she would have laughed and probably denied that she'd ever talk to the other girl.
Nevertheless, here they were, at the very top of the bleachers, their bags scattered on the ground. Daya had just gotten out her lighter and lit a cigarette.

"That whole smoking it for the aesthetic?"
"It started off because of the aesthetic yeah. Now I just can't stop anymore"

Daya smiled but Camden could see a glimpse of desperation and hurt in her eyes. She quickly switched the topic.

"I know I'm being nosy and asking a lot of questions so it's only fair for me to start telling you about my wild times in London."
Daya laughed.
"Yes please, I'm dying to know what you British people are up to"

"The answer really is not much. Well, I can only speak for me. The other people at my school did cool stuff, they went to parties, drank and had fun just like any normal teenagers."

"And what about you?" Daya leaned forward and propped her head up on her chin, she looked genuinely interested in what Camden had to say.

"I was the typical nerd. I didn't have any friends except for the teachers maybe and I spent all my free time in the library. I never had a school romance, I've never been to a houseparty, I wasted all these years because I was too busy studying, always chasing good grades and academic validation. After all maybe I'm the stupid one"

"No you're not. You definitely are not stupid. Maybe I should have been more like you and actually studied but no. And now I ended up like this, I basically have no future."

"Daya..." Camden looked her directly in the eyes "... I know I've only really known you for a day now but I know that you have a lot to offer. I actually hate to admit it but your interest in biology might even surpass mine. You could be brilliant if you pursued it more"

Camden reached out to lay her hand on top of Daya's.
"I mean I can help you if you want. Even with the subjects where you struggle some more. You are not a lost cause Daya and I know it. I believe in you."

Daya was at a loss word and only managed to thank Camden.
The two then sat in silence for a while when Camden realized that her hand was still resting on top of Daya's. She quickly pulled away.

Daya broke the silence.
" I saw your cheer try outs. You have good music taste. I mean 'One way or another', that's a banger."
"Thank you. I actually noticed you were there and I will admit, at the time I was not very happy about it. I'm glad you liked it tho"
"Oh god, I didn't know you hated me that much"
Daya chuckled softly and something about her laugh made Camden's heart light up.
"I didn't hate you. I was just told that you were an outsider and after London I never wanted to be one again. So naturally I didn't want to have anything to do with you."
Daya looked hurt.
"I mean now I know I was wrong and I do really appreciate spending time with you" Camden quickly added.
"You aren't too bad either Little Miss Perfect Student."
There was a comfortable silence again.
"So did you have any former experience in dance?" Daya asked.
"Because what you did looked bomb"
"Thank you, yes I actually did ballet throughout most of my childhood, that's why I know how to do the turns and all that"
"Uhm actually I believe that's called a pirouette" said Daya in a mocking British accent.
Camden laughed. She was really starting to like this girl.
Meanwhile, the sun was already starting to set and the sky lit up in beautiful tomes of red, orange and yellow.
As if Daya could read her mind, the girl asked
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It really is, it almost has a painterly feel"
They both sat there admiring the sky until Camden realized how late it was.
"Shit I better call my mom and tell her I'm running late. You should do that too tho, otherwise your family will be worried"
Daya sighed
"No they won't be"
Camden immediately realized that something was wrong and took Daya's hand.
" to me"
"My family is your perfect magazine cover Southern family. The mom is a Christian housewife, dad works hard and spoils her and the kids and then there's the perfect daughter.... Crystal"
"Who's Crystal?" Camden immediately felt stupid for asking so she just squeezed Daya's hand.
"Crystal is my big sister. She also went to Daytona High and graduated three years ago. Valedictorian, captain of the cheer team, a good looking boyfriend, she was the perfect daughter. My parents knew that and the teachers and students here at Daytona also knew. I don't even bother trying anymore neither at home nor at school. I'll always be in Crystal's shadow, I'll always be compared to her.
I can never be good enough, I'm a failure. So why not embrace that..."

A single tear rolled down Daya's cheek. Camden couldn't believe what the girl just told her. She cursed herself internally for hating her when all of her behavior made so much sense now knowing what she was going through.
Before she could further think about it, she lifted her hand and wiped the tear from Daya's face.
"Daya look at me..." she was met with a pair of dark, tear filled eyes " are anything but a failure. In fact I realize now that no matter how much I pride myself on being intelligent I was dumb and wrong in one aspect. I doubted you. I had prejudice. But now I are perfect"
Before she could even think about what she had just said Daya took her face in between her hands and kissed her.
Yes, Daya was kissing her.
Camden was first overwhelmed by the soft flesh of Daya's lips against her own but quickly settled into the kiss. Just as she parted her lips to give Daya more control over the kiss, the other girl suddenly pulled away.
"I'm can't do this...I'm so sorry"
"Daya wait...."
But before she could say anything else Daya had already jumped up, taken her back and ran into the night.

One way or another (Lady Camden x Daya Betty)Where stories live. Discover now