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lament death through fallen dew

THE WINDBLUME FESTIVAL is certainly a sight to see following the vernal equinox in Mondstadt. Lyrical poetry sung by the bards were accompanied by lyre strings and drums as the petals of love flowers fluttered down like drifting snow. The wind is sweet, dandelions scented the air with fresh spring dew. Dancing through the streets were children as stalls and booths were set up with prizes and games alike. Such festivities were unquestionably a great change for you; seeing the way lovers, friends, and families gathered in celebration of game and song.

It had been a few weeks since the occurrence of the incident, giving you time to process everything; along with time to learn everything again. Subsequently, it left you feeling empty. You could only merely observe in silence, panning the scenery before your eyes with vacancy. In moments like these, one should feel joviality yet you felt nothing of the sort.

"It's quite the sight, isn't it?"

An unfamiliar voice. You turned your head to see a young man dressed from head to toe in verdant. His blue hair tied into braids, the tips dipped with bright emeralds. He carried with him a gale of mischief as he danced around you with a golden lyre in hand.

"Yes..." You nodded, feigning a smile reflexively as you had practiced a hundred times before, repetitive. "It is."

He stopped in front of you, leaning closer to examine your expression before taking a few steps backwards. His steps are light, bouncy. "You say that with such a lovely smile... Yet I detect no flicker of joy in you."

Was it so easy to tell? You wondered, making a note to practice more when you returned to the Ragnvindr Manor. "My apologies... I do not wish to offend. It's hard to express myself when I do not understand the desires of my own heart... Or so, that's what the healers have told me."

He took another brief moment to scan you, looking at you from head to toe before he spoke up again. "Does expressing yourself through lies bring you joy?"

It was an odd question... But you answered him anyway. Shaking your head, you replied with a solemn: "no... It doesn't."

A wide smile grew on his lips, pleased with your response. "That's a good start. Knowing that people would much prefer to see you smile with genuine joy than feigned. Smiling suits you well, Lady Gunnhildr."

Your eyes widened slightly at the mention of your title. "You... know who I am...?"

He laughed merrily, his laughter as gentle as the summer winds carrying the sun's radiance and warmth. "Of course I do. Everyone here in Mondstadt recognizes you as well. The darling fiancé of Master Diluc."

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