·˚𝙭𝙭𝙭𝙞𝙫 ༘༄ ꒰𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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Osiris's avatar was hanging onto dear life, crawling on the floor. Elodie and Layla ran up to him at once.

"Are you the ones who released Khonshu and Heka?" he asked.

"Yes," Layla toldas the three of them and continued to walk, panting, "Hey! Hey, hey. Hey," she raised her voice when his eyes began to flutter shut,  "How do we stop Ammit?"

"This chamber is our most powerful place," he replied weakly, blood dribbling from his lips, "From here, we need to imprison Ammit in a mortal form," 

"A body instead of a statue,"  Elodie nodded in understanding, "She'd be vulnerable. Okay, how do we do it?"

"We need more Avatars than we have left—" he broke off, falling to the ground in front of him, resting on his back.

"What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," Layla muttered in panic, "No, no!" 

"Crap," Elodie kneeled in front of the man, rolling back her sleeves.

"What're you doing?" Layla questioned her.

"Seeing if my sorcery will help me reach Osiris," Elodie held her fingers apart intricately, moving them as orange inscriptions floated around her wrists, "Try to get to Taweret meanwhile," she closed her eyes, trying to reach out to Osiris through her astral form before he left the body of his avatar.

Layla breathed heavily, "Shit, okay," she gulped, looking around, "Taweret, are you there?"

"Layla!"  Taweret cheered shrilly through the body of Osiris' avatar, "I'm so thrilled. We're gonna have so much fun together,"

Layla saw how the man's body relaxed and the creases on Elodie's forehead relaxed, as though she was in a trance.

"Oh! You've changed your mind," Taweret spoke through Layla, "I would be delighted to accept you as my Avatar," he flourished her hand in front of her.

"Okay, okay," Layla gasped for air, "Temporary Avatar,"

"Yes, of course! Oh, your father is going to be over the moon when he hears,"

She groaned in pain, clutching her abdomen, "My father?" 

"Yes! I met him when I took him to the Field of Reeds,"


"Are we doing this or what? I have a fabulous costume in mind,"

The ceiling collapsed down on the two women as they stumbled on their feet and the rocks and debris trapped him under it.

Mere seconds later, a large boulder was shoved aside. Layla stepped out in Taweret's ceremonial armor, her curly hair out of her ponytail. She looked down at the gold arm braces and breastplate. Reaching behind her back, she gripped and pulled out the gold wings that spread her at her sides.

Elodie rose to her feet beside her, her hair in a half-up, half-down manner, "Huh," she held her hands in front of her and noticed the white magic flowing within her, "Not bad, Osiris,"  she too was in Osiris's ceremonial armor; White apparel that wrapped around her with silver braces and was accentuated with engravings. Fingerless gloves crept up her palm and a silver plate rested across her chest.

"Nice suit," Layla nodded at her.

 Elodie straightened, "I like yours too,"

── 。゚: *. .* :. ──

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