Truth or Dare!!!

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(Author: I didn't realize I was this high while writing this 😅)
SM: Today I am doing TRUTH OR DARE!!!with Lucy, Rouge, Sting, Mirajane, Laxus, Happy, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Gray, Juvia, and anonymous!!!
Gray:*points to Juvia trying to rape him*
SM: -_-' *floats in air* LET HIM GO!!! *demonic voice*
Juvia:Yes SM *shakes crazly*
Happy:Erza number 2
SM:Happy you are lucky that you are so cute
Natsu:Heeyy I thought I was cute!!!!
SM: You thought..ok I go first.....Lucy truth or dare.
SM:Ok who do you like?
Lucy: *blush's madly*Rouge
Rouge:*blushes too* L-lucy
Mirajane:*click-click* Just wait till they have kids ,oh and done with the photo here *hands SM the photos*
SM: YASS FOR THE BOOK!!!! *eyes sparkle*
SM:Don't know when though..
Sting:Can we continue now?
Lucy:Ya ok Mirajane truth or dare?
Lucy:I dare you to kiss my big bro!!
Mirajane:*blushes* Ok
Laxus:Sis I will get you back next time
SM:*gets out camera*
Mirajane:*kisses Laxus*
SM:Wendy you can't see this *covers Wendy's eyes and takes pic*
SM:You are too young too see that
Wendy:*wines* FINEE!!!!
SM:Good Wendy her have a cake
Erza: Why don't I get cake....
SM:I don't have any left so here have this cookie
Erza: *grabs the cookie* Thank you SM!!!
SM:No prob
Mirajane:Ok Gray truth or dare?
Gray: Dare
Mirajane:I dare you to be nice to Natsu
SM:Nothing is impossible!!!!!*eats Skittles, Doritos, and Butterfinger all at the same time while riding a unicorn that is farting rainbows*
Gray:How?Just how?
SM:Gray go
Gray: Ok umm anonymous truth or dare
Anonymous: Dare
Gray: Ok I dare you to kiss SM
Anonymous:*gets out of the darkness* S-sure
Mystogan:Yep it is me
Erza: But I thought you where in Edolas?
Mystogan:I was but then I heard Mo-chan needed help so I signed up but as anonymous
Gray:Ok now go *points to SM*
SM:*walks back slowly* Hay guys I just be leaving now *runs and about to jump through window*
Mystogan:Not to fast Mo-chan
SM:*humf* Fine
Mystogan:*leans in but mask got pulled off by....Happy*
Mystogan:*has blush on face *
SM:You look hot Mystogan *blushes*
Mystogan: *stopped blushing and kissed SM*
Mystogan:*starts blushing again but then pulls away* U-umm SM will you go out with me?
SM: *pulls Mystogan head and kisses him* Yes, yes I will oh ya well that is the last of today so peace out *throws skittles and jumps out window with Mystogan*P.S. You could put in a truth or Dare!!!! *yells out window*
Gray:('-_-) Why does SM jumpout a window?
All but not Gray:THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!!!!

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