Christmas Speical!

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   The whole guild was running around preparing for the Christmas Eve party. But as usual M was sleeping or as she says 'hibernating' for pretty much everything. Knowing she should be helping out she decided against it and hid on top of her bookshelf to sleep.
And if you look close enough you could see Lucy screaming for M well more like throwing crap around and frantically looking for her. Lucy ran towards the last spot she hasn't checked.M's Office. Running threw the door she stopped right as she heard a slight snore. Looking around the room she noticed something purple poking threw the right side of the bookshelf. Walking slowly towards the purple object she heard the snores become even louder. Lucy pulled the bookshelf to the side and grabbed M by the shoulders then started screaming.
Pulling her by her ear she screamed at her to help out and help decorate. M sighed as she just did a magic sign and a clone of herself did the work for her.
Lucy's P.O.V
Right as we finished up you could hear someone bolt for the door. Sighing I dismissed everyone and walked up stairs looking for M. I walked towards her door and knock but heard no reply back. I proceeded to walk in and look around for M. I heard something creak and turned my head around and saw M in the bathroom doing her hair while singing/screaming her favorite songs. Giggling at the sight in front of me I tapped her shoulder and was meet with a curling iron up to my neck.
   "Oh! I'm so sorry Lucy I didn't know it was you!" She said.
   "It's fine as long as I didn't die!but why you getting ready?" I asked.
   "My hair is stubborn so I need to do my hair first." M answered while finishing up.
   "Oh ok well I guess I'll join you." I said while pulling my hair out of a pony tail.
   Me and M finished getting ready for the party so we where just talking.

~TIME SKIP~   Me and M finished getting ready for the party so we where just talking

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  M was waiting for me to finish up my make-up, M looked at her watch and held a panic look on her face

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M was waiting for me to finish up my make-up, M looked at her watch and held a panic look on her face. I looked towards her and held a confused look.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Ummm..we might be 20 minutes late to the party..." she said laughing slightly.
"WHAT!?" I screamed while pulling her outside and running down stairs.
We sprinted down the stairs scared that they had missed half of the party. M was five feet in front of me but stopped in front of the door with a serious face. I looked at her confused and stepped passed her about to open the door but was stopped by M's arm.
"It's quiet...." M said while looking at the door with a stern look.
"What do you mean it's quiet?..." I asked but then realized it was quiet and during a party!
M pushed the door open and had a katana ready to throw and swing. Jumping threw the door she pointed the katana towards someone's neck. Trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness I saw M drop her katana and rub her neck awkwardly. As my eye adjusted I saw the whole guild looking at us with party hats on and cake.
"I'm so sorry Sting I just thought something bad happened since it was so quiet..." She said while rubbing the back of her neck.
"So we're not late to the party?" I asked.
"Nope you guys are late we just ended." He replied back.
"AHHHH!!" M screamed as she sprinted outside.
"What happened!" I screamed back as I ran outside to but stopped.
"IT SNOWED!!" M yelled happily as she rolled around in it.
"M are you o-IT SNOWED!?" Sting screamed surprised.
"BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!" M screamed as she belly flopped onto the big snow pile.
I smile as I felt someone put the hands on my eyes.
"Guess who?" He asked.
"Umm...Sting?" I said sarcastically.
I felt Rouge move his hands away from my eyes and hugged me from behind while placing his chin on my shoulder. I giggled as I felt his breath on my neck, turning around I kissed Rouge and mumbled "Yep best Christmas ever..." Then in the distance you could see M running away from a bear while hugging its cub.
"Why is it always me!?" She screamed while sprinting.
"Oh I have a great idea!!" I said while grabbing my camera.
   "Say cheese!*click*"
   And in the photo you could see Rouge and me hugging, with everyone throwing snowballs while M's running away from the bear in the right top corner.
    "Okay I give up!" M said while gracefully letting go of the cub and teleported to the roof.
   "It worked!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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