Chapter 1

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"Checkmate" a cocky voice says as they take my king

" hey, you cheated" I say defensively

"No, I'm just better then you" the boys soft voice says staring into my eyes

His beautiful ocean blue eyes always are a distraction to me

" fine whatever" annoyed that I got beat once again

"Maybe next time" he says chuckling

The large doors fly open as a tall figure enters the room

All the children start to line up once they recognize who the tall man is. 

001 and I both look up from our game and see the man we all call papa.  With us being the oldest of the group, Brenner says that we have to be the role models, however me and 001 have started to resent the man

"001, 014 going your brothers and sisters" Brenner says with anger in his voice.

001 and I exchange looks, and  we don't get up from the table, being used as rats in a science experiment has made us sick and tired of Brenner's stupid games.

He see that we aren't going to get up, so he signals for the guards. 

I knew what was going to come, but I honestly didn't care anymore, I've become numb to all the punishments Brenner gave me.

Two guards grab 001 while the other two grab me. 

We struggle to get out of their hold, kicking hitting everything, but they don't let us go. 

They drag us out of the rainbow room and across the hall.  They throw us in chairs and ties us to them making sure we can't escape while being punished.

001 and I are facing each other but on other sides of the room. 

"Now, you know what happens when you don't listen right" Brenner says staring right in my eyes

" RIGHT!" He screams at us

He walks up to me and grabs my face making me look at him.  

"You should know this 014, I'm ashamed" he says tilting his head

I open my mouth and spit on him showing him what I think of him.

In return I feel a force punching the right side of my face. 

I turn back to him and start laughing, Brenner looks at me ashamed, as he walks away.

I see the boy across the room smiling at my performance.

"Do whatever you want Brenner, you're methods don't work on me anymore" I speak tauntingly.

" we'll see about that" he replies and two guards walk up to me.

"Hi-ya boys, whatcha gonna do to me this time?" say laughing

"You'll wish you never asked" one of the guards say

"Yeah and whys th-".

I get cut off by a piercing pain in my abdomen.

The pain stops as the they pull the tasers away

"Ha, is that all you got" I say staring at them proving that their punishment wasn't working

" oh no where just getting started" the other man says as he jabs his taser into my leg.

The other guard stabs his taser into my gut as I blunt in pain.

I could hear 001 screaming at them to stop, but they never did, minutes when on, them just tasing me nonstop.

They finally stop when Brenner signals for them to stop. 

My tired head drapes low, as I could hear the muffled pleading of 001 to wake up

"Remove him" Brenner demands to the guards .

They untie him, and grab him, but somehow he broke free and ran to me.

"Hey, hey wake up 014.  WAKE UP" he yells as the guards grab him and drag him out.

"So,have you learned your lesson?" Brenner says kneeling down to me.

I use all the strength left in me to look up at him

" NEVER!" I yell weakly

"You've brought this on you" say says backing away.

The guards come over, and I know what was coming next , but I couldn't feel anything. 

Soon after I blacked out.

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