Chapter 4

10 0 0

"That was-"I start

"Fucking amazing " 001 says stocking my hair as my head lid on his chest.

001 raises his hand to check his watch.

"Fuck fuck fuck" he says gently lifting my head and jumping up

"What?" I ask confused

" it's 8:25" he says throwing his clothes back on

"Holy shit!" I yell jumping up throwing my underwear on and searching for my bra.

I look everywhere for my bra but can't find it

"Crist, 001 do you know where my bra is?" I say while frantically searing his room

"You mean this?" He says holding up the bra

" yes!" I say as he throws it at me

I threw it on and put on his sweats and his shirt

We both straighten up and then walk out like we didn't just have amazing sex

We got to the rainbow room with a minute to spare

Everyone was already playing with toys and their friends, so me and 001 casually sit down at the chess table and start to play.

We were playing and I was of course loosing when the doors fly open and Brenner walks in

All the children line up , and me and 001 do too , knowing that if we didn't the punishment would be worse.

"Good morning children" the man says

All the children reply

"Good morning papa"

But me and 001 don't call him papa because we know the truth so instead we say

"Good morning Brenner"

This always makes Brenner mad, but he knows to let it go as we won't ever refer to him a 'papa'

"I have a surprise for you guys" he says trying to sound enthusiastic

"009 would you get the door" Brenner says

The little boy scurries and opens the doors as Brenner leads us all out of the rainbow room

Me and 001 and in the back because we are the oldest, as we follow all the young children.

I feel a hand take mine, our fingers interlock

I look down to see it's 001's, I look up and he puts on a cheeky smirk.

We make it to a room the same as the whole lab, plane with tiles with a black floor.

We all line up against the wall me and 001 still hand in hand not caring who sees

Papa draws two circles each on different ends of the room.

Me and 001 already knew what was coming as we'd both done this many times before.

We didn't bother the listen because we had already knew the rules.

"002 and 005 please step forward " Brenner says putting on a fake smile

The two go to opposite ends and a blindfold is placed on them both. They compete and 002 wins easily.

The next few rounds 002 is put against easy obstacles and he's won all of them, it was really unfair, but nothing was ever fair here.

There is probably 7 of us left now, and 4 of them have been defeated and sit on a wall ashamed that they lost

"Hmmm, let's see 014, you're next" Brenner says smiling

"You got this" 001 whispers as I stand in the circle. A blindfold is placed on me.

"Begin" Brenner says loudly

We both hold our hands out, it's a struggle for a little us both giving the same amount of power, but I entered his mind and make him think of something horrible.

This distracts him and I shove him into the wall.

The boy is embarrassed but he walks over to the other kids and slumps down against the wall

"Very well" Brenner says obviously annoyed that I won

Battling all the other numbers, 009,003,004,006,011,012

I beat them all easily by entering their mind and showing them all the same thing, then throwing them out of the circle

I felt bad, but it's what happens here

"Astonishing 014"Brenner says not realizing how much power I had.

"Who's next, oh only 001 ok"He says not realizing how many children had lost

001 walks up to his circle

"Don't go easy on me" he says passing

"Wasn't planning on it" I reply

He gets blindfolded and we both get ready

"Begin" Brenner says loudly once again

We start to use our powers against each other, we both hold our hands out hoping to throw the other out of the circle

I go to go in his mind and distract him, but something blocks me. I try my hardest but can't for some reason,

I start to pant as I try my hardest but nothing works

Out of no where my body slams against the wall shattering the white tiles

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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