And now, the beginning

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Hey. I'm Y/N. What were you expecting? An intro by Zed or Addison? Nah. In Seabrook, things are constantly changing. Including who does intros. That doesn't mean that people know me though. I feel like, well, Addison! I've been wearing a wig all my life. But mine is green.

"Bye Zombietown! And hey Eliza!" I said, walking outside. Bonzo was standing there, holding Eliza's tablet. "Hey Y/N! How's Seabrook going?" I smiled. "Can't complain. How's your internship?" Bonzo cut her off just then. "Za zaza gar za ga." I laughed. "No Bonzo, I don't think she hates it there. Or else she would be here instead." He shrugged. Together we walked off, over to Seabrook High.

See? Everything is fine here. Zombies, humans, and werewolves are all getting along peacefully! Except for one minor detail. Nobody knows my hair is fake. Not even my best zombie friends. I feel like I've been alive forever. My mom came from a planet called Z-18x. Yes, I meant the x at the end. She traveled to a planet inhabited by blue haired aliens with stardust powers. She fell in love with A-drien and had me! I know my name doesn't start with A, (sorry if it does, skip this part) but I'm my mom's planet, everyone's names were different. But when me and my mom went with Instrumomo to find utopia, we crashed. I haven't aged since then. I'm stuck at 17 forever. What's worse, we crashed the day before my birthday! I haven't even gotten to celebrate my 18th yet!

I skipped the last few steps into Seabrook High. "Oh, hey Zed! What's up?" He spun around. "Hey Y/N! Not much, just grabbing drinks before practice." "I'll help!" I offered. He smiled and I grabbed a few bottles. I placed everything down and smiled. Life is great! I normally don't talk to people. I know, I said I made a lot of friends. Truth is I only made a few. Sorry but Zed isn't one of them. Then the cheerleaders came up.

I don't like cheer. I know I live in Seabrook and it's basically required to live there, but I've never gotten really into it.

I walked off and into the school. I stopped in front of the school trophy wall.

I've always felt like something was missing. I don't know when the blue haired people will come for their spaceship. None of them even knew that me and my mom had left their planet. They only thought Instrumomo left, alone.

Before I knew it, the football team members were about to head off to the 'biggest football game in all of Seabrook'. I sighed as I lined up along the sidewalk along with everyone else. We were all waiting for the football team so we could cheer them on to victory. Willa was making her little speech and whatnot. I didn't even want to be here, but Eliza, curse her, made Bonzo drag me here. She can be so annoying, but she's my friend. "Here they come!" Addison shouted. Everyone began to cheer as... Bucky. Bucky burst through the poster, not the football team. I groaned. Bucky always has to ruin everything. As he and the 'Aceys' began to talk, Addison squealed and ran out of the way for the real football team to come through this time. Winter was the only hesitant one. I have no idea what was said, I was mostly zoned out. Thinking about how messed up my life was. Then all I saw was lightning. Everyone was freaking out! I hid behind a car and peeked out. Luckily, I didn't get hit by anything.

I gasped. The aliens had returned! I quickly turned myself invisible with my little disc thing. I wasn't on their planet for long, I don't know what anything's called. I watched from a safe angle as they were taken away by police.

"Weird. Are they still looking for utopia?" I asked myself. The aliens heads turned to look at me and I quickly moved away. No way would I be allowed inside the police station. I decided just to go back home. I began walking then realized I was still invisible. I ducked behind a tree, changed back, and continued my walk back.

I walked inside my empty house in Zombietown. My mom and Instrumomo had both grown old and died already so I lived alone. Yes, I'm that old. Instrumomo and my mom didn't agree on much but they did agree that they should split to avoid suspicion, and that hiding was out best option. Over time, they agreed that I shouldn't be spoken of to outsiders, even to Instrumomo's own family. I've known both Missy and Addison since they were born. Anyway back to aliens. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Thinking about my mom only made me sad. I wonder if the aliens will stay or be kicked out. I could tell that the cheer competition was only a cover for their real plan, but was their plan still to find utopia or is it something else now? Tomorrow is going to be interesting for sure.

Now that I have your attention and you know a bit about me and Seabrook, the real story can begin...

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