Aliens are only slightly taking over our town

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I woke up like I do every morning, expecting it to be another boring day in Seabrook. I mean, at least our fro-yo has more flavors than vanilla now. I laughed to myself, remembering then. It was so boring. When zombies could attend our school, that was the most interesting thing that has happened in years. I pulled in my jacket and walked outside to see the giant mothership.

"What in the Seabrook shrimp-" I then remember the events from the previous night. "Oh."  I saw Zed walking out of his house and I quickly hid. Nobody knew that I lived in the abandoned house at the end of the road. Nobody even knew where I lived. If they knew I lived alone, in a spooky abandoned house, all kinds of suspicions would be raised. No, it's just easier to keep it a secret.

"Hey Zed!"


"You are pretty cheery considering the Mountain College recruiter literally ran away and quit." I said, wondering how he was in such a great mood. "Eh, what can I say? I found a loophole. Pretty soon you, me, and every other monster can get into college." I smiled. "That would be great." He smiled, hearing my words. I swear, not in any weird way. He is hopelessly in love with the other white-hair. I swear I'm not jealous! Ew. I shook my head to clear my thoughts... again.

I walked over to Seabrook High again. You know the drill, random singing all the time, werewolves and zombies being their monster selves. Humans watching them in awe. A normal day in Seabrook. Except this time, aliens were mixed in us. It slightly weirded me out, as I had gotten used to the usual mix of blond, brunette, and a bit of white hair. Oh, and of course green. Blue just threw me off. I should be used to change now though. I mean, look at Seabrook ten years ago to now. Everything changed.

I hurried to my class and, like usual, just tried to get the day over with. I don't talk much but when I do it's normally only to my friends. The only good thing that happened that day was when I saw the aliens. "Take this moment to learn from our superior intelligence." Then A-li attempted to push the door. She was using her entire body strength to move that door. Bree said it was a pull, and they got it eventually. However, A-lan still looked a bit confused. That was funny. First thing that made me laugh in a while.

Flash back to reality, I was walking down the hall to see the coach near the school records. It showed the best athlete in certain areas. Zed had been up there for a while, so I walked over to see who had taken over Zed's records. I stood by him to see the name A-lan in almost all of Zed's previous accomplishments. Speaking of Zed, he showed up a bit later. I've been seeing him a lot more often. I wonder why. He ran over and tried to stop the coach. I didn't catch much of their conversation.

Why? I was busy staring at the extra-terrestrial that broke everyone's minds. A-lan. He's... well, something. I snapped out of my trance in time to hear him say "I'd be happy to dunk on you Zed." I smirked. From what I could tell, whenever his emotional suppressors were off, A-lan was so cocky. He looked right at me and winked, while flying in the air, showing off. I rolled my eyes while still smiling. I could hear Zed behind me asking something along the lines of "Why can't you go back to your own planet?" The aliens responded with tears and "Our planet is gone. It blew up." Or something.

I quickly stepped up and said "I am so sorry for his incompetence. Is there anything I could do as an apology?" They looked at me curiously. I was confused, but I mainly wanted to spend a bit of time with the aliens so I could get to know them better.

We were in the main lobby and they were asking about the moonstone. "What is it?" I smiled. "That is the moonstone. It might just be the most precious thing in Seabrook." They all looked at each other with a grin. "Instrumomo!" They probably thought I couldn't hear. "Anyway," I continued, "You probably shouldn't go near it. The wolves won't let any outsiders near it." They shared a look and I just stood there awkwardly.

What I would later find out, is that A-spen went to Addison for advice. "O great leader of cheer. I have a feeling I cannot define. My palms are sweaty, and it feels like space months are in my stomach." Bree said "Space flu." fairly confident in her answer. Just like she was when Addison had that huge crush on Zed.

A bit of conversing later, A-spen said she had a crush! "Crush on a zombie." A-spen admitted. "Bonzo is so not available!" "Neither is Zed." Bree and Addison defended their loves as A-spen said "Oh, no. I love Y/N!"

Everyone gasped. It would have been hilarious. I wish I were there.

Even so, I headed back to my home after school, only for a bit. The aliens asked if I could meet them under their mothership in an hour. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. Then I pulled my wig off. Since the aliens came to Seabrook, my hair has turned blue. It's because the last time I had used my oval device of alien technology, not including when I turned invisible for a split second, was when we had crashed here.

I stared at my real hair and wondered when I was going to tell them I was an alien. It was a matter of time really. Then zoned back into reality and found that I only had a few minutes until I was supposed to meet the aliens. I threw my wig back on and ran out of the house.

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